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Everything posted by Jen311

  1. Thanks all for suggestions, I'm gonna check skins/stores now. =) As for how that skin looks ( from my link), of course I checked demo in world first. And it does looks lovely for my taste (using right windlight settings of course ), default shape have some flaws that are not hard to fix, but sadly can't fix skin colour. And that colour just doesnt work with black/dark hair and dark clothes, at least for me. Anyway, thanks again for all suggestions, really looking forward to actually enjoy SL instead of endless shopping and to clean all those demo folders I've got in the inventory now ( I think it's over 4000 items and god knows how many folders total now -.- ). After all those hours of looking I think I want to buy at least 2 skins already, so I won't need to bother again for a while. 1 "normal" for everyday life and 1 something like "naive cutie", always wanted to try some RP and that one should suit it just right. =)
  2. Hello everyone. First of all I should say I already spent over 2 days looking for one in SL and checking forums and it begins to look impossible. Hmm, how to describe what I really need... Well, something like that https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Skin-Jolie-M05-Skin-by-UNIQUE-MEGASTORE-1-Makeup-Eyes-Bald-Base/2349093 But more pale, I think most of shops refers to the colours I like as: straw/milky/fair/light/natural or pale in some cases. Other than being too dark I find that skill perfect for myself and would've bought it already, but... And skin should be without beauty marks, at least one above upper lip. And no freckles too. I also checked most of the popular stores I think, LAQ, HUSH, Tuli and much more and didn't found anything that I really liked, in fact most of popular shops have like 3-4 base skins and countless variations, when checking one after another it's so obvious that face doesnt even change between different models. Thanks in advance if someone can post some suggestions. :)
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