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Posts posted by Helllovers

  1. I have never had this issue before, well I have had the "mesh objects turning to black" circumstance, but when I updated my driver, it was fixed. Now, I can't update my driver as my computer believes there's contents that could harm my computer, so I block it. Should I allow it or not? 

    This has never happened to me this bad. Until I cleared my cache earlier today due to the fact that everything was appearing gray, avis/buildings/everything. I never crashed like I did this time. I crash so immensely now, that when it happens I crash to the power-saver screen and even my browser/backup programs do too.  It's getting very out of hand, now. I have ran 3 virus scans, no virus showing. 

    A picture to refer too for the issue:


    With a little bit more information in it, as well. 

    Also: Buying a new graphics card is going to be a huge problem, due to the fact that I have no money. So, solutions without the use of buying a new graphics card until I get a job is highly appreciated..

  2. This has been an issue for a long while now. It was fine for about two days, but now it's not working.. I can log in, but when I do the DNS fails and everything freezes and it will not let me TP anywhere, which is very aggravating. I changed my DNS to the google free DNS one, but now it does not work. Is there a new version out or what? This is a head ache for me, seeing it has been going on since about April. Any suggestions? Thank you!

  3. A month back, this has happened to me before and I fixed it for about a week. I changed the DNS sever to google's free DNS server as suggested. It did work, but now it no longer works for me. The DNS crashes when I log in (I'm always on the google chrome browser talking to other people, so that's how I know). And, when I log out it crashes for me so I have to reset the whole router. Suggestions? 

  4. This has been happening for about two weeks now. As I log into SecondLife, there's an issue that happens. My avatar will not rez at all. No matter what I do (including my inventory which won't rez). It constantly freezes up and this has just started 17days ago, I believe. After closing SL, as well. My DNS fails. Sometimes even when I log into SL, the DNS fails. Any suggestions on what to do?


    I have cleared my cache, un-installed/re-installed, and tried different viewers. None of them worked.

  5. This is the link where I found the laptop.


    I was wondering if the graphics card would work with second life. I'm not looking for high quality graphics, but decent graphics.

    If not, can you recommend any laptops for a fair and reasonable price?

    Thank you, 

    ~ Diamond

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