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Posts posted by SisterPrudence

  1. m4cm34t5cr4p5 wrote:

    It's late 2017. Linden Lab has more or less abandoned SL in favour of the new Sansara, but residents still remain, determined to cling onto their inventories, land and inworld standing.

    Meanwhile, a new breed of scripters manages to exploit the crumbling, outdated SL infrastructure to wreak havoc. Ban lines are scaled, vendors tampered with...griefing erupts on an unprecedented scale. LL, now busy with its new world, abandons all SL abuse report response and leaves the olde worlde residents to their fate.

    With security breached, rival factions begin to jostle for power. Paramilitaries attack and invade land on a daily basis, causing mass disruption over the grid. Vigilante groups retreat and finally disband, as the pixellated violence spirals out of control. Public sandboxes are seized by criminal warlords and turned into caliphates of copybotting by their minions. Older residents similarly band together, forming makeshift patrol groups to defend their clubs, malls and homes to the death.

    So - what will YOU do in the coming SL war??

    If SL becomes an abandoned backwater, what would be the point in griefing it? Griefers have already devolved into a few easily-bored script kiddies and a handful of geriatrics reminiscing about the old days. And public sandboxes are already caliphates of copybotting and have been so for years.

  2. IvanTwin Rogers wrote:

    My Question is who is the Griefer boss guy?, and where is he? you know the griefers like attack the grid. all groups have a boss and ceo. you know any maybe any people know who is him and where is it.

    Here you make a fundamental error in the nature of groups. Not all groups have a boss or CEO. Does a group of rats have a boss? Outside of animated movies they do not. Rats are a loose group that come together instinctively with no absolute leader. Their goal is to find nourishment and they look for conditions that will allow them to travel freely. Griefers are closer to rats in their organization.

    The conditions a griefer-rat requires are areas of land that allow the semi-permanent placement of outside objects, Their NOURISHMENT, however, is the reaction they cause. When they cause someone to BAWWWWWW and complain about how terrible they are and how they're messing up Second Life it makes them feel important and powerful instead of the more accurate feeling of being a ball of acne and social awkwardness. This food is the key to their survival. If you keep feeding them they'll keep coming back. You can call the exterminators and have them kill off a few, but they breed fast. If you leave the conditions of your home such as they have what they need to thrive and the rats return, you can't really blame the exterminators, can you?

    Yours in Truth,

    Sr. Prudence MacCorquindale


  3. I'm pretty sure of who you're referring to. Does this griefer make no effort to hide his identity, and do some of his alts have old-style last names even though they were created after November 2010? That means he signs up at a special outside login site that's been set up - they were the only ways to get last names after November 2010 and there were very small number of last names available on them. Outside login sites are usually run by organizations like colleges. If he's at a college with a major Second Life presence he can log in from any one of dozens of computers and there's no way Linden Lab could block this without shutting down the entire school. Linden Lab probably knows exactly what school he goes to but since he has so many machines available there's no way to hardware ban him. He loves having people mad at him and loves attention and knows there's little the Lab can do about him with the way accounts are set up.

    Block him, ban him, and don't give him any reaction. With luck he'll get bored.

    Oh, and -- DON'T make Youtube videos about him telling everyone how nasty he is and turn him into a celebrity in his own mind .*facepalm*

    • Like 5

  4. Robert69 Little wrote:

    You obviously have never been griefed.. it's easy for someone to make judgements of what others "should" do when they haven't experienced what we been through.


    Date Registered
    03:35 AM
      (?! ah huh)

    No, I've been griefed enough to know that it doesn't make much sense to put a target on one's back by posting under ones' main account when talking about a celebrity griefer. And I have been semi-successfully griefed by this one if my guess is correct. He barged into a meeting and was disrupting it and obviously was an idiot so I blocked him, as I assume everyoen else in the meeting did, and watched his name tag move around like a little squirrel while he was impotently trying to get attention. He did throw a sim-crasher eventually though.

  5. I haven't seen any physics framerate drop when vehicles are rezzed; I've seen a brief drop in physics framerate when vehicles START moving but it generally pops back up. It may well be worse when several vehicles start moving at the same time.

    Vehicle performance has been bad ever since the Pathfinding roll-out (well, strictly speaking since the first vehicle was introduced to Second Life, but it's gotten noticeably worse since Pathfinding) and I don't see anything on the RC channels that makes it look worse than it already was. In fact, things seemed to improve a bit Wednesday night. Promoting the RC code should at least take the bandwidth problem off the table as a variable. Bandwidth doesn't seem to be a problem where all regions are running the RC code.

  6. Robert69 Little wrote:

    The last time I visited Ahern while they were there.. Admiral was wearing a doctors uniform.. he loves to get into your mind.. and will stop at nothing to do so....they also copyboted my horse while I was protesting against them at Ahern.  I don't believe I have ever ran across any two that are pure evil as Admiral and Nym.. it brings them such pleasure.  I managed to record Admiral saying "I love it when people hate me".

    Do you know what people like that REALLY love? Five-page-long forum threads that say what bad people they are and how they're ruining everyone's fun. People protesting them in pubic are also great because it gives them a personal target they can plan all sorts of "fun" harassment for while they're made to look more important and effective than they really are. Do you know what they hate? Being ignored. Going to all the trouble of coming up with workarounds for security issues and then finding their new alts instantly and silently blocked and banned as if they weren't even there.

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