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Niamh Suisei

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Posts posted by Niamh Suisei

  1. Utilizator (maker of Avatar 2.0) posted a rant about this a while back (hope it's ok to link it here)




    Basically SL's problem isn't its graphics engine, or capabilities, it's the designers. G-I-G-O, I believe the acronym is.

    EG if every user has the ability to make things out of lego-block prims, SL will always look like 2004 poo. If you want SL to look like Battlefield 4 - and no reason it can't, more or less - people need to get serious about content creation. Whether textures, learning Blender/Maya, using the forthcoming normal maps etc. Battlefield 4 doesn't look like that because they asked a team of random people to make it, but because they had professionals using professional tools and tecniques making it. If you want SL to look like that, you need to get professional :) And I don't mean charge L$10,000 for a model of an armchair, I just mean professional in your approaches to creation. Stop with the "ah thats good enough" if obviously its not. (But then, it's our fault for not demanding excellence at the checkout)

  2. thanks, I've tried that. Cleared them out through browser and using CCleaner. I can see my pages if I type 


    into the browser, but the breadcrumbs thing is completely locked. (its all there, if I view source the links are all in the Div Class=Pagination, but I can't click them on screen. Totally bizarre lol. Everything else works but that.

    BUT, since its just me then I can relax a bit, I'll play around and try to figure out why its happening. It works in Firestorms built-in browser, just not in my external Chrome or IE. If I find out why I'll let you know

    Thanks again x

  3. I have a problem and don't know where to ask, so I guess this will have to do?


    When I go to the marketplace, I can "add to favourites" no, problem. But when I go to visit my wishlist, i can't advance through the pages. I see 1..2..3..4 but nothing happens when I roll over them and I can't click them. Same in Chrome and Internet Explorer.

    I have 13 pages of wishlist items, I'm wondering if this is the problem? It's really annoying though because I rely on and use my wishlist *a lot*

    Anyone got any ideas?





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