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Posts posted by Mieng

  1. I left my rl partner now a week ago in rl, was already posting here about his abuse behaviour etc etc, so i took the advice and left! Now we where not married and i am free to go right!! Not, in sl he comes and finds we with every alt i make or had and where he was not aware of... i made this week tree now alts and he found them!! I never told a soul i was in sl... nobody i was just minding my own business ...the last one he im´s me and said there is second life scripts that give you away... !!!

    Now he has find out where i moved in rl too... and was standing infront of my door 3 days after i left!!

    Bin to the police for that last matter but in sl i can file reports as much as i want!! Nothing happens!! he still making alts and contacts me almost every day with an other on, even from his work!! Called his work and they now blocked my telephone number ... I am at the end of the line and really don´t know what to do anymore..atm downloading going to do a format on my pc..where he weird enough never had acces too!! He reads this i hope and will understand that i will keep going to file reports in sl and in rl till somebody stops this man!! I thought we had some sort of privacy in sl but seems to me its better just to leave it behind and go read a book... But then he got what he wanted!! or not??

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