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Spirit Wirefly

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Posts posted by Spirit Wirefly

  1. Hi second life :)

    Firstly, I want to start off my saying I have an real issue, and would only like constructive comments to help me deal with it. I realise there may be other threads re this.. but I have looked and not found any answers.


    There is somebody who is trying to imitate me on an alt, they are trying to ruin my SLife basically, sending notecards to all my family telling them I am all of these different alts, when I have proved they are not me.. basically being a pain. I will submit an abuse report when I have written it up, but my main question today is.. 

    Is there any way to tell if your chat is being listened to? 

    I have searched the land and found nothing, i'm not wearing anything that could be a tracker.. but this person seems to know what I am saying and when.

    Please help!

    Thanks :)


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