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  1. Better men's clothing. I've spent thousands of lindens looking for a decent pair of rugged combat boots, (not to mention that many cost upwards of 300$) and they're hard to find...Some of the items on MP are so old, it's obvious that they've been there for several yrs, and are still including inviziprims with no alpha for the boot/shoe. I also would NOT like to dress like I'm using giranimals to match my stuff. There isn't much variety for men out there, and I see a lot of creators using the same clothing maps - so it ends up being same article of clothing, but in a different color by a different creator. More rugged-looking, masculine clothes, fewer tuxedos, and a decent pair of mesh jeans that don't have the "mom jeans" waistline and/or make the legs look like anemic sticks, have a circus tent between my legs, or as if I just got off a horse. I'm sick of the standard mesh tanktops and I don't wear any of them really. And I agree with the poster who stated that men's mesh shirts/jackets also need improvement with a larger arm size and not looking so rubbery. I don't need crude expressions on my tee shirts, but a great texture would suit me fine, or some kind of detailing like a pocket? It's nice for men to have some kind of choices too. I agree with the poster who said they will NOT change their shape to accomodate clothing, however I have created a special shape I use to fit into certain mesh items, but I'll only do that if the item is spectacular. And please, no more PINK/CLOWN-COLORED/SEE-THRU/CARTOONISH items for men, okay? Please provide demos for all mesh. Seeing as how one poster pointed out that there are limitations in creating mesh to fit all shapes perfectly, then at the very least, don't make the consumer pay the price for an item that will ultimately be thrown into the trash can. In fact, I'd like to see more demos available for all clothing items. And on an end note, I'm totally cool with making items no transfer, or whatever it is you need to do to protect your copyrights, but please please please, allow me to edit stretch or mod the item, and make a copy in case I screw up, so if I decide I want a 7 or 8 foot tall avatar, I can easily mod the clothes to fit my little bit bigger than anemic looking calves. After all, if it is within the scales of in-game shape creation to make that size of an avatar, then I should be able to mod clothes to fit that shape. I do understand that this can be difficult with mesh items, however I do know there are several non-rigged mesh items out there that are able to contain resize or some kind of edit capabilities. Just sayin'..... This may sound like a tall order, but I know that looking through the MP, I see much more available for women avatars. I understand that the ratio of women avatars far outweighs the number of males, so I would definitely be shocked to see any of these changes ever being made for men's clothing.
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