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  1. ZatannaZatara

    I need help

    Sometimes when I log in. I can see that all is gray but mind are not gray. Can you please help me?
  2. My Second Life has been blocked, but Imprudence 1.3.0. worked better but my other viewer won't work, it says ''Login failed. Second Life cannot be accessed from this computer. If you feel this is an error, please support@secondlife.com'' What should i do if my second life is blocked? I want Firestorm viewer
  3. ZatannaZatara


    I need help, my all viewers won't work, it said ''Login failed. Second Life cannot be accessed from this computer. If you feel this is an error, please contact support@secondlife.com.'' what should i do now? I have download phoenix and my profile are not disabled. i think i have make the singularity viewers and i don't know how to come back in phoenix viewer :(
  4. I have click Singularity but I just have check new Grids and it's log off, How should I do with that
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