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Gunwald Constantine

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Posts posted by Gunwald Constantine

  1. On 12/7/2023 at 9:16 AM, Cesar Goland said:

    I have a RPG system with some combat features on an experience (and other damage dealing features, like hunger and diseases, that would also benefit from this framework), but all usable weapons are specifc for the sim, I would love to use this, performance wise it would be awesome, but I think that being able to limit stuff to a specific experience would be needed, like preventing a on_damage event from even triggering if its damage source is not from a experience (not filtering it in the event, but not even triggering)

    An example that I can think is that even if we can use on_damage and llDetectDamage to filter out some damage sources the event itself would still be triggered, like spamming the on_damage event enough to prevent some damages to enter?, lets say, If I overload someone with llDamage(...,0,...) preventing other damage events would that specific person be Immortal?

    Honestly I got so interested in this framework that in almost 15 years of Second Life this is my first post on the forum

    (English is not my main language, sorry for anything)

    I also have similar system with life hud, crafting, so would be nice to limit the scripts to approved ones like experience.

  2. I assume using one of AWS datastore services? or is it some custom  solution run directly on each region?

    Currently I am trying to track health on a combat meter. I use AWS Dyno dB to store mostly everything don't want be doing call each hit. it would be terrible !

    Issue is I use a experience attached meter which is destroyed each time user crashes or relogs.

    I have few proposed solutions to this but have yet to decide on best way forward. these are


    1. I call llUpdateKeyValue every hit, letting it process asynchronously in background. and use this value whenever meter boots.  (not sure this would be best if it is very expensive call).

    2. have server object listen to all current sim users keeping track of health event, and when user leaves sim update the value to dyno or key pairs. (currently my preferred method)

    3.  Using changed event to detect tp. (this not much of option, as i  believe the meter experience attachment would be deleted before data update could be done.

    Main thing if key pairs is lightweight, to make background call just to update. but i assume it wont be. Though this hard to tell without knowing how it was implemented.






  3. Have never used SL combat. Understand its more of closed system. but if below was implemented,



    "Scripts should be able to react to damage. New damage event.

    • Optional damage "type" (numeric identifier, default 0)
    • on_damage(integer damage, integer type, key rezzer, key owner)"



    Would be nice to be able to enable combat on sim but just for the event (no health damage) and restrict this event to only experience scripts. (to restrict which weapons take effect)

    Then can be used in custom, health and huds. I assume this would be lot faster than current razzing of projectiles.

    I read somewhere in this post that script less combat objects, have priority in collection detect on avatars (might have read wrong)


  4. [05:56 PM PDT] We continue to work toward resolving the increased networking latencies and errors affecting Availability Zones (usw2-az1 and usw2-az2) in the US-WEST-2 Region. While network mapping propagation times have remained stable, we have not yet seen the improvement in propagation latencies that we had hoped for. In parallel, we are working on several other updates to address the resource contention within the subsystem responsible for network mapping propagation. We will continue to keep you updated on our progress towards full recovery.

  5. On aws portal  - amazon backend having issues

    Network Connectivity Issues [05:21 PM PDT] We continue to work toward resolving the increased networking latencies and errors affecting Availability Zones (usw2-az1 and usw2-az2) in the US-WEST-2 Region. We have successfully applied an update to the subsystem responsible for network mapping propagation to address resource contention. We have seen network mapping propagation times stabilize but they have not yet begun to trend towards normal levels. We expect that to begin over the next 30 minutes, at which time we expect latencies and error rates to improve. We will continue to keep you updated on our progress towards full recovery.

    [04:20 PM PDT] We continue to progress toward resolving the increased networking latencies and errors affecting Availability Zones (usw2-az1 and usw2-az2) in the US-WEST-2 Region. At this time, we are approximately 50% completed with the update to address resource contention within the subsystem responsible for network mappings propagation in the usw2-az2 Availability Zone. Once we complete the update in usw2-az2, we will then move on to usw2-az1. Our current expectation is to have both Availability Zones fully resolved within the next 60 to 90 minutes, and we will continue to provide updates as recovery progresses.

    [03:33 PM PDT] We continue to make progress towards resolving the increased networking latencies and errors affecting Availability Zones (usw2-az1 and usw2-az2) in the US-WEST-2 Region. In the last 30 minutes, we’ve continued applying an update to address resource contention within the subsystem responsible for network mappings propagation and are seeing early signs of improvement. We will continue to monitor before deploying this change more broadly and will continue to provide updates.

    [03:02 PM PDT] We continue to make progress towards resolving the increased networking latencies and errors affecting Availability Zones (usw2-az1 and usw2-az2) in the US-WEST-2 Region. In the last hour, we applied an update to address resource contention within the subsystem responsible for network mappings propagation and are seeing early signs of improvement. We will continue to monitor before deploying this change more broadly and will continue to provide updates.

    [02:22 PM PDT] We continue to make progress towards resolving the increased networking latencies and errors affecting Availability Zones (usw2-az1 and usw2-az2) in the US-WEST-2 Region. While we continue to make progress in addressing the issue, we wanted to provide some more details on the issue. Within Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) any changes to the network configuration - including launching an EC2 instance, attaching an Elastic IP address or Elastic Network Interface - needs to be propagated to the underlying hardware to ensure that network packets can flow between source and destination. We call this network configuration “network mappings”, as it contains information about network paths or mappings. Starting at 10:00 AM PDT this morning, we have been experiencing a delay in the propagation of these mappings within a single cell (part of the Availability Zone) in usw2-az1 and usw2-az2 Availability Zones. The root cause appears to be increased load to the subsystem responsible for the handling of these network mappings. We have been working to reduce the load on this service to improve propagation times, but while we have made some progress, mapping propagation latencies have not returned to normal levels. We continue to work to identify all forms of resource contention that could be leading to load, and have a few additional updates that we are currently working on.

  6. They do not. (edit) opps i mean do not show when 'shadow' but shows item before.

    So far.

    1. Happens more often when tping to empty non laggy sim.

    2. You can only remove the 'shadow' by clicking item on original sim that it was removed on, even if tp away. and back again.

    3. if don't head to first sim you left to , only way is a relog.

    4. item shows in llGetAttachedList , but does not show in llGetAttachedList while 'shadow' is there.

    5. (edit add) it shows up in new improve graphic speed attachment list. but same as above the X button to remove only works on sim it should've been removed on.


    It does seem like viewer bug but i have no idea where i would contact anyone.

  7. 😛 well. I think it seems it depends on how laggy sim is. lagger better. means it don't get fully deleted server before loaded av. 


    Also noticed say you tp and temp object is deleted you can touch to make vanish, but if you tp away again to somewhere else touch thing don't work. but, you can  tp back and touch and will work still.


  8. Yes, very. kinda makes tempattach and experience very hard to use.  Yeh, something like that is what I planned but come to realize its not going to work unless I turn experience off.

    Bug I assume is a firestorm client bug over server.  well maybe both.  Item gets removed mid transfer and client never knows to remove.

    "If attached via a Land Scope Experience script, the object will be forced detached by the server if the owner enters a parcel that does not have the Experience allowed."

    Going to try just hop from parcel on same sim and see if have same issue.

    Plus just now as i was reading that. Realize "via a Land Scope Experience script" so I guess, i can still use experience  in a script in object just not the attacher, will test and post.


    EDIT: testing went bad. i could not get to leave a shadow either  way lol

  9. (not done any mesh for a while (like a year or two))

    But, i assume it would depend how the pysical type (convex hull, prim etc) was setup and if custom psyical mesh was made.

    But, it is do able.I don't know how hard it would be to keep the 1prim limit, as the prim weighting has all changed. but i think should be able to pretty easy. (was from what i remember a few year or so ago though).

    With mesh you can build your own psyical shapes etc. so dont have to be constrained by bounding box, but, they cost more LI weight, so more prims.




  10. C# would be vastly better than lsl in so many ways.

    You make it sound like using c# as the scripting lang would be rocket science. But truth is it would be just as simple or complex as you want it to be.


    So script would just be like in lsl .. touch action > light on > done . No complicated classes needed or pre thinking. It would all be same just different syntax, But at the same the same time access to a lot more power.


    Also there is big difference between script and a program. The ramp to learn to write a c# script would be same as it would be learn lsl. Would not be that many differences. 

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