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Posts posted by meganlawalert

  1. Have you tried another TPV other than Firestorm?  The Firestorm mac client is so slow, and the new one with support for SSB only runs for about 5 minutes before it goes into terminal slowdown.  You should try Dolphin or another TPV to see if it works for you.  Dolphin does fine on my 5 year old MacBook Pro with GF9600 graphics.  Well, at least OK.

  2. Why are there hours and days (virtually every day now, it seems) when nobody can log into the grid, but the grid status never shows any impairment?


    Additional info:

    The most common symptom I see is the login will take a long time, 3-5 minutes, to complete, and then I'll be immediately logged out.  This is common on weekends, but this week it was still happening at noon Tuesday.  I keep a small file with SLURLs for about 20 locations, including 5 infohubs and 3 sandboxes, handy for such events.  After I can't login at home or my 2nd or 3rd location, I start trying infohubs.  Once I've gotten past 3 or 4 of those, it's apparent there is something more than a few sims being down, and yet the grid status shows nothing.

    None of the "answers" you give below is responsive to my question.  The Linden "grid status" does not report the status of the grid, it reports Linden maintenance events.  Can we have a real grid status, please?


    And to respond to the other oh-so-helpful informal tech support request: which viewer I'm using doesn't matter, because I have installed and use daily the latest official viewer, and up-to-date Firestorm, Dolphin 3, Catznip, and Exodus viewers.  I rotate through viewers as well as login locations, and the symptoms are identical.  Very long login connection, half-rendered world, and logout.


    And SL is doing it again this morning.  Argh!


    Additional edit, for the archives, on 17 Oct 2014:

    I didn't accept any of your non-answers because, frankly, none of them were answers.  But then of course, I shouldn't have expected any answers from the secondlife community, other than blindly defending that which you don't understand.  To clarify, I work at a major California university.  We have oodles of bandwidth connecting to the internet, and anytime I have login problems to anything I test on a wired ethernet network where I have gigabit access from my office to two major SoCal internet routing nodes.  So no, it's not "always" my "wifi."  

    And nobody answered the question, why doesn't LL report on the actual status of the grid.  Reporting on the status of a grid is not that difficult, you simply communicate with one or more of the servers on a regular basis and derive you actual uptime statistics on things actually being up.  That's not what "SL Grid Status" is.  As I wrote, it's not a grid status, it's a maintenance blog.  So why not put up and actual grid status?

    I suppose I must have expected a Linden to drop in an give an actual answer, silly me.

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