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Posts posted by katy0075

  1. ive been arguing with LL for 3 day about this they keep telling me its my credit card!and i come here and im told its my billing old billing info needs to be manually removed,and i agree because my credit cards will work on a alt acc

    so my card info is fine it just wont allow me to enter any info on my primary acc! and LL wont clear any old billing info they say that it has nothing to do with adding new info! well they missed the point because i cant add ANY INFO! no cc works acctuall visa card or prepaid doesnt matter but i stilll get that its y fault!uhggggggggggggg! please can some one help me

    thank katy0075


  2. hi my account will not accept any credit card ,and yes its prepaid but this card will and does work on my alt account but when i try on my primary account i get payment method failed,but i tried it on my alt account and i was able to get it on no problems i even bought lindens with it today on my alt account ,i called tech line but they said its my card but its not because i just used it on another accoun,and now no credit card will load to my primary account !i really need help,i dont know how to explain to tech line that it doesnt matter what card i try,nothing works oh btw i tried a real cc too and same message.if anyone can help me i would be forever greatfull

    thanks katy0075


    and btw i looked around and found this and i asked the tech line about this and he acted like he didnt know anything about this ,this is what i think i need done but how do i get them to understand what i asking please help me ty katy0075


    Thanks  Cinn!  that worked-they had   to manually clear out my  old billing info- it didnt work when i did it on the billing page- they are all so nice and  on top of it all when it  comes to billing hehe.

    All fine now!!

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