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Posts posted by XxSitaPernexX

  1. Hmmm. In my preferences, (on my computer, not SL) it tells me that I do not have a firewall running, which I already know. And, I am not aware of any anti-virus programs I've purchased, and if I do know of any, they have not yet been activated or installed. So, I have no idea what the problem truly is, but I know it's not either of those... And it worked perfectly fine before I updated the software on my computer. It's going to be annoying to deal with this every time I log in. :(

  2. Hello,

    I have recently updated my entire computer software, and with that, everything else on the computer.. But two days ago, I discovered an issue: every time I opened profiles, destinations, search, and even when I logged in, nothing but an all red background and a text that read, "Connection closed" showed up... Is there any way to get rid of this problem?? I cannot even access my own profile and it's driving me crazy! And I have no idea if I need to update my viewer, (if there even is an August update to do so..) or if it's some other problem that I do not have knowledge of.. If anyone could help me with this, please answer ASAP. :)

    Thank you!


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