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Everything posted by lyllithxo

  1. Just to get this out of the way: Have never had a permanent problem viewing or loading mesh objects & clothing on my avi before & I started playing in 2012, and I have been using the same computer setup since then (my graphics drivers are up to date). I have also been playing nearly daily for all of this month (January 2014) with no issues related to mesh at all. The problem: Unrigged mesh items are suddenly abnormally slow to load or only load partially, or often appear "blocky" and deformed until I get close to them. RIGGED mesh items have started failing to appear on my avatar at all when I add them. This problem actually started on the evening of the 24th when I noticed that some of my unrigged mesh was often not loading fully, but a relog would fix it. However by 25th the problem escalated to the above. I have tested this in both the up-to-date default SL viewer & in a cleanly installed version of the most recent Firestorm, so it's probably not an issue with the viewer since the results are the same in both. Other solutions I have tried include (In-game) - teleporting between zones to reload, completely stripping my avi to a "default" avatar and then re-applying various outfits that use mesh which I saved lately... I don't have technical knowledge of what debug tools might or might not help wth this if any of them can, so haven't touched them. I can normally run SL fine on Med-High settings and Ultra even works fine if I just want to stand around taking screenshots, but I experimented with putting all my graphics on Minimum to see if that would fix it (it didn't) (Out of game) - did a full malware/virus scan just in case, checked my graphics drivers again, shut down & freshly rebooted my computer then immediately opened SL with no other programs running aside from the bare minimum of processes that I have running in the background all of the time anyway. I have not made any other significant changes to my computer just before this started happening. As of this morning I still am experiencing the problem. If anyone has any ideas as to what is wrong or how it can be fixed, I would really appreciate it. I use a lot of mesh on my avatar so this makes the game semi-unplayable right now. Thank you.
  2. hello all, i have a simple question that is too complicated for me to solve on my own. i've tried reading the wiki on camera scripts but i just don't understand enough to know what script to use or how to modify it. i have a posestand with copy/mod perms that i want to add a script to. i want the script to pan to a specific camera angle - specifically a front angle so as to see the character close up from the front - when they stand on it, but currently the default camera angle for the stand automates to the back of the character. i want the stand to permanently be against a wall - this causes the problem that the camera then pans outside the wall and outside of the room, not to mention the annoyance of then having to re-orient the camera to the frontal view. can anyone explain to me how i might do this? i would appreciate it very much. thank you.
  3. i own (as in purchased, not rented) a small piece of land that i filled with a variety of mostly low prim objects. i'm pretty new still, so i didn't realize i had the tag of a popular group i'm a member of up while i was doing this, rather than my personal group circle. now my personal group circle is the only group that has permission to build/object entry on my land (have tested this- seems to be working) but all the objects on the land are tagged with the OTHER group which is not mine...and has a lot of members too. is there a way i can mass edit somewhere around 50-100 objects without going through them one by one and changing their group tag to my personal group tag? if i don't do this, are there any repercussions since the only people who can mess with stuff on my land, according to my perimissions, have to be in my private/personal friends only group (which is invite only)? thanks guys.
  4. hi guys. i was trying to transfer some money to my alt by paying her some L$. i hit the pay button and got the error message "Failed to Pay [my alt's name]" but i still got the "CHING" sound and the money disappeared from my balance! I checked my alt and she has no difference in money either. help please, this is quite upsetting =/ i just lost a bunch of L$ and have no idea where it went or how to get it back.....thank you!
  5. so, i have only been playing 2-3 weeks but the entire time (from maybe day 2) i had been using an animation HUD called something like Humanoid_Power HUD which i was finding really useful. i had contained all the animations i collected within it which was a pretty large amount, some of which i paid for. this morning i log on and i noticed that all the animations in the HUD were gone except for the ones i got on the very first day. they are not in my inventory or Lost and Found...can anyone help or am i screwed? what exactly could i have done to cause this? since i am pretty naive in SL it's probably my fault but how the hell did i lose like $20 of animations and can i retrieve them any way or not?
  6. pretty new to SL but i got a premium account and i believe the house i got as a default is only 512 prims in space. i like the house a lot but i have run out of prim space to rez objects. is there any way i can increase my prim allowance for my house by paying for it? thanks.
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