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Posts posted by Calinerie

  1. Ok lovely people, feel free to make fun of me but i'll be really honest here. I can't learn mesh, no matter how hard I've tried. The head, the applier, this and that. It's giving me headaches and i just feel dumb for not being able to figure it out. I can learn Japanese and Korean but, I can't wrap my head around this. I have a real problem understanding it. It gets too upsetting. I feel invalid. 

    So my request is fairly simple: I want to buy a complete female classy avatar, mesh, that has it all: head, skin, shape, and whatever it includes, even hair. I want to buy one avatar that is ready to use, without any troubles. You rez it, you got it.  All that'll be left to do for me is to get clothes!  Is that possible or am i being a fool?

    Now could someone kindly point me to a shop, a vendor, that sell it so i can enjoy sl again? I was absent for years and now with the pandemic i find myself with some free time and a desire to be active again.

    I'd be forever grateful for such a nice person:)

    Thank you!!


  2. I don't like stressful situations in rl, or in sl. I've never had a job inworld, so this would be my first. I think of it more as a social experience than a money thing.

    I would love to work as a host in a tea house, or a cafe, some pleasant place.

    Also, i am a lesbian in rl and sl ( gotta specify lol..some are just role playing to be gay ) so if you have gay clients, that would be fine with me!

    Or really, any job that doesn't require being in a loud and crowded club.

    Thank you!


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