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chole Michalski

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Posts posted by chole Michalski

  1. Every found yourself looking for something inworld or on the marketplace and not able to find it?  Have you ever said to yourself, "Second Life needs (insert)!"  What are some things that you think Second Life needs that it does not yet have?

  2. Hello there, and thank you for taking the time to read my thread.

    I have been in Second Life for over 6 years and I have dabbled in every job there is to have in Second Life.  I've hosted, been a DJ, been a dancer, a co-owner of a club, created things and owned a store, nothing quite suits me in those professions.  Let's be honest here, I'm terrible at creating things.  I have also worked as a land sales agent, and loved it!

    I'm looking to be part of something...bigger.  I spend the majority of my day on Second Life.  I wake up, make some breakfast, take my dogs out and then log in.  I stay online, doing various things, step away for some lunch and to pick up the house or do whatever cleaning is need, then I'm back at the computer.  Then, I step away to take the dogs out again, make some dinner, eat, do the dishes and I'm back at the computer.  On the weekends I'm on up until around 2am SLT sometimes later.  I would like to make that time I spend in SL useful, meaningful and fullfilling. 

    If you have something that you think I could do well in, please contact me in world and let me know what you have!  I'm willing to try pretty much anything and I am quite a fast learner.

  3. Ok, I've seen RP sims all over the place in SL.  While I understand that traditional RP is typing so you can add facial expressions and other things that would be hard to do with voice...what are the chances that people would actually use voice.  I'm not saying full on role playing, but just to play a part.  To be in character on voice.  For example, you start a realistic family living sim.  With a movie theater and post office, grocery store and other things.  What if instead of typing while role playing you voice?  Make up whatever type of person you want to be, the life you live and who is in your life.  Then while role playing with the others on the sim over voice it would be LIKE an RL scenario.  For example you run into someone at the grocery store...well what do you do in the grocery store in RL?  "Hello, how are you today Jane?"  and Jane replies with "I'm well, how have you been?"  And you carry on this conversation with the person telling them all about your "life" on the sim and your family.  Eventually after mingling for so long with everyone there you would know who they are, what they like to do and and the type of family that they have (if any).  To me it would be a more realistic simulation of RL.  While I realize that some people do not want to be on voice because they are 1, not willing to "mix" RL and SL and feel as if voice does so.  Or 2 just don't like to voice, there are multitudes of people who do like to voice!  I guess I'm just looking for your opinions to let me know if this would work or if it would be a hit.  I'm thinking of doing something similar.  Now that I've gone off and written a novel, I thank you for taking the time to read this!:matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

  4. I heard there is a new type of mesh out that fits any avatar with no alpha layer and no having to adjust your avi's shape, and it fits/conforms perfectly to the body.  Anyone else heard this?  Is it true?  If so...where can I get it??!!

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