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Victory Laurent

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Everything posted by Victory Laurent

  1. Ok I'd really like to believe that but here...I had the latest Firestorm for ages ...worked fine. Until the past week. So what happened in the past week that wasn't there before??? Any answers would be appreciated. I'm back to an older version that won't crash after I open the program and it seems to work just fine. Well except when it doesn't crash out randomly.
  2. Well I hate to write it but....crash crash crash. That's all the program can do when I try to log in the last few days. Sooooo, I reloaded the program. Nope that didn't work. Then i reloaded older versions of the viewer, recycle reduce, reuse... and ...yeah the older versions work fine...hmmmm ...(touches chin). EGADS! Me thinks its defintiely!!!! a viewer issue as opposed to a server thing.
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