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Posts posted by BrookeMeadowbrooke

  1. Thank you all so much. I am pleased to say I have created my first blog using blogger and published my first post and uploaded a snap shot to my blog. It does however at this stage look quite amateurish but hey .. Baby steps.

    The stage I'm at now is to learn how to make the snap shots I take look good so I'm going to give Gimp a try. Also of like to know how to make my title look really good and catchy. As I'm not very techie I'm very pleased I've actually done what I have.Please though keep the hints and tips coming they are all very much appreciated.

  2. Thanks for that Syo but how do I get the sl snapshots I take on sl into my blog?

    I plan to do a sort of dress for less blog and would like to

    Pose in numerous sims and take snapshots then put them in my blog.

  3. Hello I was wondering if someone could help me start my own blog on sl.
    Or even start a blog with me.
    I really haven't any experience with blogging on SL and would love some help getting started .
    Please I M me in world if you are interested.
    People say its so easy and I'm sure it will be once I know how. Until then if any kind soul wants to help me I would be very grateful.
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