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Posts posted by Shennn

  1. Hi there Kaye, as you've been informed that's the basic of getting yourself an avatar but if you want to be a little more advanced you may need to get yourself a unique shape which Linden Labs doesn't provide. If you would like to contact me inworld, I'd be more than happy to assist you. My username is Shennn

  2. Thanks so much :) I ended up being told the same thing from my friends, I found a place called 'Akeyo' and they sell what I'm looking for but there's SOOO much to choose from and I realized I have 0 patience for it, haha

  3. I would like a new AO which hasn't got much movement when she stands, kind of poses rather than moves around too much, however I also want the walk to be unique but cute. 

    Thanks :)

  4. I would like a new AO which hasn't got much movement when she stands, kind of poses rather than moves around, but I also want the walk to be unique but nice

  5. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww did you 3 have to bite my head off about it? Actually I have seen people modding for cheaper, there was no need to be rude and attack my question.

  6. Hi there modders :),

    I have been searching high and low for a mod for my viss bunny avatar on the marketplace and in world however nothing has really caught my eye.  I was wondering if anybody does custom mods and if so could you please contact me via notecard or IM on at Shennn, it would be very appreciated :)


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