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Posts posted by thisromero

  1. Hi there.

    I'm currently having problems with Blender right now mostly on how it exports BVH.
    Whatever you do, DO NOT ADVISE ME Avastar for the simple reason of exporting animations. I do not have the money to buy Avastar.

    Now that we got that straight.
    I'm currently using Blender 2.7 and checking my animations on BVHacker which pretty much gives me the result of what appears in SL after fixing and assigning the animation.

    I'm using a template bvh file from an avatar modder's pack. It alone is compatible with SL, all the names and the bones are correct according to SL. The result can be shown here.

    ss (2014-05-19 at 01.47.31).png

    But when I import the bvh on Blender and re-export it, this apparently happens.

    ss (2014-05-19 at 01.54.43).jpg

    I don't know why it does that, but I did export it with Root Transform Only. If I have it unchecked it gives me a much more weirder result, having the avatar angled and etc etc.

    Any ideas on how to get that fixed?

    Another Questions:

    And another thing... I'm trying to get this done...

    1. Save Frame 1 (T-Pose)
    2. Set Frame 2 (Stand-Pose) as Rest Pose
    3. Rig a Mesh to the Rest Pose (Or at least the mesh .obj of the avatar)
    4. Save Rest Pose (Stand-Pose)
    5. Load Frame 1 (T-Pose)
    6. Set Frame 1 (T-Pose) as Rest Pose
    7. Load Rest Pose as Frame 2
    8. Bake the T-Pose for convinience

    Now, if anyone could help me... I could use some help on at least saving the T-Pose. I tried using the Pose Library and that didn't work. It still gave me Frame 2 or the Rest Pose.

    The avatar itself in-game is made out of sculpts, deformers and an AO. But the avatar outside the game is a mesh(*.obj) from the Modders Pack of the avatar. So is the animation bvh.

    Any help here too?

    If you can help, I'd be greatful.

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