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Everything posted by Mony80

  1. consider it as someone want to banned me ?? and sent me linden from stolen credit card and report on me... that's i was talking about it , i want you guys to see this point from bigger view
  2. ok what u gonna do if you want to check copybot item in your inventory
  3. i mean somoeone not friend of mine send me illeagle linden and if i ask him didn't respond , what should i do then ?
  4. Hello if anonymous send me linden and i don't know him and maybe he send me illegal linden , how do i suppose to act ? thanks
  5. Hello i want to know if some of my friends send me items , how could i know this item is legal or it's not copybot , because i saw friends of mind their accounts banned because they found in their inventory copybot item so how do i protect from that ? note : i want the right answer regard this from the specialist who know what they handle issue like that thanks
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