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Fox Hwasung

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Everything posted by Fox Hwasung

  1. Now my avatar is truely at the end of the world, after two repair tries my avatar is in a state it even crashes the client, so not only inventory is broken, now my avatar completely exploded.
  2. Little update, still waiting for Aura Linden hopefully doing a miracle, meanwhile i banged on stuff my self. Logged into the beta grid and BAM avatar works as it should, i can use my inventory, my avatar and everything else. On the maingrid i grabbed a few items from the some vendors that resend stuff i once bought, what didnt work on the maingrid now works flawlessly, my old avatars, one of my old cars. So yes im certain this can be fixed if someone bothered to push the right button. @16 you said some of your folders are still missing something i did on the beta grid to get them back was useing an old 1.XX based clients they always show the system folders, just stuff something random in there and log back on whatever 3.XX client you use, worked for me on the beta grid. Also the customer support from the ticket system is usefull as a flexiprim co**. Thx you for say FU to me and i should just make new account !
  3. I have still an old alt i used for testing this one works fine, but really its not the same... also i payed money to get my avatar back mainreason im so damn pissed off about it.
  4. Thx i will try adding a comment to the JIRA and see what happens...
  5. @ Dilbert Had about 16k items in my inventory, there gone and i doubt i ever see them again but that i can live with if i have to. Again i tried other regions, and if i enter a different region on my login page it will still kick to to Morris, saying my last location is not available while it IS AVAILABLE and while i can teleport there just fine... @16 good thinking but i tried this already as well today, problem is as soon i relog everything is as it was before also people or an old alt which works fine btw cant drop inventory on me only scripted obects and buying works but the items end up dead inside my inventory, i cant rez them or put them on.
  6. Here a litte screenshoot story about my Second Life right now: This one here i get EVERYTIME i log in: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v193/Fox.Mc.Cloud/Screen-1.jpg Another one because quite often it even rips of the default avatar from me: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v193/Fox.Mc.Cloud/Screen-2.jpg This happens if i use a freebie avatar on my self: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v193/Fox.Mc.Cloud/Screen-3.jpg And this is my inventory several IMPORTANT system folders are missing: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v193/Fox.Mc.Cloud/Screen-4.jpg Only scripted objects seem to be able to give me inventory, or 0 LS items i buy, transfer from other avatars wont work, also i cant delete items everything is stuck. I disabled my firewall and its the same, also the region dosent matter, even some very fast private regions wont work.
  7. I tried several other regions yes and ALL of them do the same. iCade im not stupid and i can read im aware i wont get my stuff back thats NOT THE PROBLEM ! but you should carefully read my first post ! because i CANT even wear a freebie avatar i got for example !
  8. Second Life 3.3.4 (262321) Jul 24 2012 04:02:05 (Second Life Release) Release Notes You are at 255,441.0, 256,474.0, 48.2 in Morris located at sim8848.agni.lindenlab.com ( Second Life Server Error fetching server release notes URL. CPU: Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz (2830.51 MHz) Memory: 8192 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0013.0142 OpenGL Version: 4.2.0 Latest official SL client, and i did the usul stuff clear cache, remove the SL client and ALL related folders, try getting some freebie avatars to get my out of the default noob shape,trying to slap a plywood cube on my head which also dosent even work. Im not sure what i can do when apperently the database of my avatar on the LL servers is broken...
  9. So after i gave up on SL in 2009 i wanted to start again, since my account was still locked up due a missing balance i sended LL a ticket to get it recovered. A Linden reactived it and after i payed the missing balance i could log in again, well so far so good, but now my avatar is broken: -No working inventory, pretty much all system folders are missing, freebies i got for testing cant be delted etc. -I cant rez anything inworld -I cant wear anything besides the stock avatars, from the client avatar chooser but even these only work till i relog -Im stuck in the base avatar everytime i relog getting asked if i want to be male or female -Im stuck in in Morris everytime i relog i end up there no matter where i log out -Not able to set new homespot client complains the home location is not aviable, while the sim is actually online and i can teleport with the map there just fine -Other avatars cant send me objects The ticketsystem has nothing that covers this serious messed up inventory and avatar problem, and the Linden that reactivated me apperently dont knows anyone either who can help here. I feel scammed be LL now paying money for something broken and no one beeing able or wanting to help me. What now ? Also stop telling me about a broken cache on my client this PC has never seen a SL client in its life.... so its a shiny fresh install of the official LL client !
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