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Everything posted by Rickymon

  1. I forgot to mention! It has a one way window ! meaning from the inside you can see to the outside but from the outside you cant see inside. it has 1 room , a kitchen , and a living room. The house is also 2 stories high.
  2. i am renting out Medium Sized houses for 250L$, there are no extra prims since they are fully furnished! Although i will accept putting a picture of you on a desk or something and even multiple pictures of what you want, so it will feel more like home to you! IM "Rickymon" or just post something here and ill get to you!
  3. I am still a newbie scripter but i would like someone who could teach me lots about scripting, i would like to be like someones apprentice, also i am a fast learner and am always motivated to try new things! Please IM me i would really appreciate it :)
  4. Hello, ive been studying LSL for a while and a have a thorough understanding of it. I would call myself an intermediate scripter.I SUCK at making Hud's or games so if that's what your looking for sorry :/Since im an intermediate scripter i don't charge much, because well.... i take a bit longer to do things. Also if anybody that is an actual "expert" at LSL is reading this and you would be kind enough to tutor me a bit i would really appreciate it.
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