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Lyyli Vaher

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Posts posted by Lyyli Vaher

  1. Skins are such a personal choice, many like the more realistic look and others prefer something a little different. I have skins from many different places, but I prefer mine to look a little more real. I am not a huge fan of Al Vulob, but it does seem like i am in a very small minority at the moment!


    Ricielli do some nice skins and they are very well priced too, I have a few of theirs.

    Dont forget to do a marketplace search too, there are some great skin designers on there with some very good deals if you look :)

  2. Hey :) I'm a lot like yourself. I log in, sit around my house and get on with other things like reading or writing! I'm the worst for it. If you would like to chat drop me an IM inworld? I could do with some new friends :P

  3. Hi :) Welome back, I am also back in SL. Nic to speak to like minded people. I was very lonely wheen i came back to, a lot has changed in the time I have been away and almost none of my friends were still around.

  4. My avatar is not to dissimilar looking to myself (more attractive than me though) and as I am 24, I think my avatar is quite true to age. But in saying that most avatars look round this age no matter how old the operator is; this is a second life afterall, many people want to be a different person than they are in RL.

  5. Hi Angel, welcome to SL. I have just come back to SL after a year and I know pretty much nobody anymore :( But I have a good knowledge of SL as I have ben around for about 4 years . Send me an IM inworld if you want :)

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