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Posts posted by CausticFox

  1. Upuntil recently, I decided to give second life a second chance (pun intended). The one major problem that ruins the whole experience for me is the absurd perfomance spikes which I have encounterd since day one. Anyway, here are my specs.

    -CPU: AMD Phenom II 960T unlocked/overclocked to 3.6GHz X6

    -Graphics Card: GTX 260 overclocked

    -RAM: 4.5GB DDR2

    -Broadband internet connection with average speeds of 17-25mbps down and 3-4mbps up

    -Running through a wireless 150mbps LAN adapter


    I'm using the Phoenix viewer (current) and have the rendering graohics settings set to LOW. At most I average about 20-30 FPS... and on busy maps I most times dip into the single digits. I don't understand... my current hardware should be overkill for this game. What can I do to improve the perfomance?

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