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Posts posted by xJennifer29x

  1. This was done a week ago, and everything else seems to run just fine.

    i'm using firestorm 32bit instead of 64bit, i feel like firestorm 64bit has a big memory leak.



    My computer is decent and can handle this


  2. Everywhere i go lately i seem to lag or not load, it's extremely bad, i thought it was my viewer i am on firestorm 32bit, so i went back to 64 bit, still having the same issues. I than installed singularity, and the same issues with singularity. So nothing on my computer is running in the background or updating/installing. Therefore the lag can only be on the server side. I don't load, i can't walk, i hit the forward arrow and it takes like a year just to move a step. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is this a current known issue? and would it be possible for someone to look into this? I can't enjoy my SL experience when i can't even move.

  3. I know that by using Caspervend you are able to redeliver any copyable product you have purchased from anyone. Is there a current way to do that via the Second Life Marketplace without having to contact each and every person you bought from? I was curious to see if i'd be able to get a re-delivery of things i have purchased and the thought came to mind. I didn't see any tutorials or information that already answered this.

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