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Posts posted by Merrytricks

  1. If teens are who LL want to attract (and that in itself is a questionable choice) they should be told that real teens don't want to be created-at. They want to create. They've been producing videos for longer than they could hold a pencil. They speak multiple programming languages. They built everything that could be built on minecraft. Show them just a hint of the possibilities they'll encounter as content creators in SL. In short, if you let them build it, they will come. 

  2. Thanks for the tips, Moiselle!

    People have actually given me some very nice things - and I wasn't even asking for anything - so I've been very lucky. It's just, they weren't quite my style so it's time for me to do some shopping.

    I'm happy to do the shopping myself but just didn't know where to begin. Some of my searches on the Marketplace have turned things up that I liked, but I figured, if I posted here, maybe some people would be able to steer me towards certain stores that have things along the lines I want.

    So, this is great. Now I have some leads to work with, I'll continue the search. Yay!

  3. Hello!

    I'm new to SL - birthday less than two months ago, and I've really only been active for about a week.

    Some very kind people have offered me help with my look, but I have yet to find what I want. I'd like to create an avatar who looks like she can keep her kayak afloat in white water, ski black triangles and free-climb Half Dome. 

    Anybody care to help?


    Think Halle Berry or Farrah Fawcett, not Twiggy or Ann Ward. Maybe even go as far as Serena Williams. Think of a woman with broad shoulders, muscular arms and legs, and a reasonable distribution of a little body fat. Fit females have curves.


    You guessed it: minimal makeup. I'd like a skin with (or a pack that includes) a very natural look, with ability to change skin tone, and add freckles.

    For both facial structure and skin tone you couldn't go wrong with a look like Nour's:


    No Ministry of Silly Walks for Girls, please! I guess I might have to learn how to use a HUD and select the individual moves I like and plug them in. I'm not very good at learning new stuff so have patience with me --- and please tell me if there's an AO out there that moves like a confident, grown up and strong woman, not a puff pastry.


    There are so many beautiful outfits on SL, but I want things I can wear in that kayak and on those skis.
    For everyday I'm looking for a good pair of jeans that's slightly looser, and slightly higher in the waste (no buttcrack) than most I've seen so far on SL.
    And where are the comfy t-shirts? Not skin tight, but nicely cut and draping.
    I found some high-top sneakers, flip-flops and boots at long last so I don't have to wobble around on torture spikes.
    But I also like Funk and Flash: when I do dress up I like tribal, hippie chic, flowing Arabian looks, and steampunk that gets beyond the gears, all modest on the flesh-reveal, but adventurous in color and culture.

    I'd love to get your tips, links to stores, etc.


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