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  1. I got my first micro avi petite and i love it but when im looking normal on my screen folks will say to me that i look stretched too tall and thing and look 11 ft tall. how can i fix this so it wont do this! its so aggrivating to have have to reput everthing on again every few mins or couple hrs. :(
  2. I have been looking everywhere! For this hair style for a long time and still can't find it. Can anyone tell me the name of it?!? i would LOVE to have it in black.... The blonde in this item picture is the one im talking about. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/EC-Box-Julia/3559429 I want that style of hair so much and if anyone can help me i would greatly appriciate it!
  3. I have my skybox in a sim that i hope stays open forever, but I got to thinking oh no if it moves or is closed then i will have to open my skybox again one item at a time and re-decor it one furniture item at a time and what i pain that would be. Is it possible to lock all my furniture down in my skybox so that i can rezz it all at once if this ever happens? I hope so it would be very nice lol
  4. I have a sky box and I tend to prefer lots of space, I don cramped quarters. I love to decor often but get confused on how to check as a whole, how many prims i have left or how many I have used. I rent from a place so I dont own the sim or anything. I get tired of having to ask oen of the managers how many I have, is there a way I can see for myself how many prims I have in my skybox? It would be so nice if I could.
  5. the tips of my fingers on my drow avatar are white and i want them to be grey like the rest of me, i got nails to wear that are black but the fingertips are sitll white, how can i fix this so it will look right??? Help meh!? please? :/
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