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Nemanja Miliandrovic

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Everything posted by Nemanja Miliandrovic

  1. I don't know how lowering the size of the graphics cache can help but I will try that. I don't know in your case but my graphics ram (cache) in game is always detected from 230 -330 never 512MB so even i change it to 512MB it doesn't remember it. I will try to see does it save preferences if I put it to 256MB. Also will try if turning voice down changes everything.
  2. @Peggy Paperdoll Like I said my network is already tested and optimised and i don't have problem with ISP. My package loss in home network is 0% and in SL statistic is always 0% rarly during sim loading I get like 0.042% or something but mostly is 0%. For real time online games ping is very important so it's very strange to me that for world popular game like SL there isn't any servers outside USA especialy Europe because i think at least 30% are Europe players. There isn't another option to have low ping, thats why most popular MMO have servers around world. I guess Linden decided to have servers only in USA because technology limitation so we can all be on the same "grid" or patriotic thing to produce jobs only in USA. When comes to my RAM it is DDR2 800 but it is impossible to upgrade it to DDR3 coz than I would have to change motherboard and that's impossible for notebook. So only what I can do is to switch to 64bit system so I can use all 4GB of RAM. "And finally. Your comparison to MMO's is so far off base it's laughable." I know the differents between games housed on computer, browser games etc. I noticed tricks what game creators use so game looks good even it maybe doesn't have high detailed textures or models but what's good graphics without good gameplay? I think it is not laughable that in 2012 on lets say high-end pc I have a possibilty to dance in some club, fly plane or shoot zombies without lag in SL. Message of SL isn't you can design anything and admire with friends how it looks but you can create anything and DO anything. You are right in this case " Graphics are graphics no matter how your GPU gets the information." And I think technology SL use to produce graphics in 2012 is just bad comparing to other solutions. Everything hosted and loaded online type used now by SL is definitely revolutionary and it is the future like cloud OS etc. but limited performance of it seen today isn't because limited user PCs but because big network demands and expencive costs and pcs unoptimised to be used in that way. In theory it is possible that most users have low ping and that Linden servers upload sim with all avatar-animation data to user with steady speed of 10Mbps+ in couple of sec but in reality how fast linden server upload sim to user, sometimes faster sometimes slower and how much servers Linden have over the world and how much pc can handle to always check for everything? I think currently SL have 2 big problems to have decent (in non chat activity) fps performance: 1) To much network traffic 2) Unoptimised user created content. Possible solutions: 1) Create possibility that some SIMs can be housed on computer with maybe also animations and avatar look special for that event or sim. That would made possible to use much more advance graphics and detailed sims because it would be easer for pc to render it and also would relive of load network trafic so finaly low lag action gameplay will be possible what would create totaly new market for games and other real time action demanding events. 2) Options to turn off scripts and rezzing by Land Admins are great but still it would be good that we can have maybe cathegories for scripts so all dont have to be turned off. Or even much better if there are some public optmisation categories for designers when creating skin,clothing or accessories for avatars so thair creations can be used in any type of event. Admin would have possibility to turn on rule that the land is available for that cathegory only. Like LOW cathegory simple detailed low textures avatars can join crowded events or clubs when nobody dosen't care when someone have special skin with jovenails and detailed hair under arm. And some really detailed stuff would be HIGH categhory what would be used in high detailed Sims (housed on computer) or rp sims with restricted number of av and ULTRA would be the best SL graphics has to offer for lets say SL machinists. @Poenald Palen I tryed with turing of fog, foot shadows and some options like that but turning water, sky etc it just doesn't feel right for me thats to much. Thx for advice @Baloo Uriza I am using Shaders: Transparent Water, Bump mapping,Local lights, Basic shader (or more optimised only basic shader) Draw Distance: 96 (normal) 160 (driving something) Max particle: 2048 Other settings: on Mid Avatar Rendering: Avatar impostors and I found out that if i turn off option Hardware skinning SL works better because with HS turned on it often happens to me that SL crash with message "Display driver AMD has stopped responding and has recovered"
  3. @ Peggy Paperdoll yes i done speedtest already. and its Download: 7.97Mbps Upload: 0.36Mbps and ping 11ms. My ISP works fine my internet package include low upload 380kbps. The most important thing about internet for games is PING thats why i don't use wireless even I have it. Well my speedtest for Dallas, San Francisko sucks ping 196ms Download 4Mbps upload: 340kbps. Ping is too high I am from Europe give me some Europe servers. Maybe thats part of problem i remember having problem with one MMO Black Prophecy only because i connected on USA server and not Europe when I changed game to Europe server everything started working perfectly. I cannot find SL server list so can you tell me where is SL europe server or how I could set it manualy to connect to it? yes DDR2 is not state of the art but I never seen MMO game that is optimised only for state of the art because than it woudn't been (MMO) Massive Multiplayer Online but only (MO) Multiplayer online because point is to enjoy as much ppl as possible. There can be many problems with software or hardware on pc that is slowing it down thats why I said that i have no problems with some other MMO or newer games. @Poenald Palen My GPU running on PCI-E 2.0 x16 and supports DirectX 10.1 shader and OpenGL 2.0. It is not integrated graphics on notebook it has its own 512MB GDDR 3 ram. "Not only that, but it does not preload a sim then run it all as a static place. It loads stuff while it tries to check tonnes of stuff to see who is saying what, doing what, sounding what, and rezing what and where all of that is moving. This huge amount of tasks uses up the CPU, it will run 99%-100% all the time... ... SL does NOT know what it will encounter and has to check for everything you see and then tries to get it all loading while you are trying to move and chat!! This is way to much, but they assume you will wait as you would with a level loading OR be a wealthy person and just spend the extra to use SL more smoothly." Wow if SL is running as you explained thats very CPU,GPU,RAM,HDD and network demanding isnt it possible to change the way it works? So if i install SL on my friends desktop pc who is more suitable for high end games: intel i5 3.1Ghz, 4GB DDR3 ram, Radeon HD6870 1GB GDDR5 than I can expect that when I am skydiving, shooting zombies, or walk in some club with 30 ppl in it i will never get below 24fps?
  4. Hello. i am using MSI notebook with this spec. CPU: Intel Mobile Core 2 Duo P8400 @ 2.7GHz RAM: 4,00 GB DR2 @ 332MHz Graphics: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670 Monitor: 21" viewsonic Connection: Cable DL: 8MBps / UPL: 320kbps Ethernet connection Pingtest.net: Package loss: 0% Ping: 20ms Grade A OS: Windows 7 32bit I have very big problem with performance and lag. SL works normal only on some empty sandboxsesand and there I have 30fps also if i move fps drop very fast to even 4fps. So basicly i have very bad performance when moving driving or flying.IF place is even little crowded textures load extremnly slow and I experience low performance (like clubs). Changing graphics from Low-Mid also doesn't have any effect. I read some advices to set preferences but still game run very bad to 2012 standards. Also even my graphics card have 512MB memory SL always detect from ~200MB ~300MB. Also for me games like GTA4, Skyrim, Just Cause 2 or some other MMORPG runs perfectly on medium or even high settings. So whats the problem here ?
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