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Posts posted by CJBafey

  1. One that so when I stop I can move about the yacht via a HUD or someway. So rather then being planted in the drivers seat in the middle of a lake, I would be able to still be seated in the driver seat but be able to sit or stand someplace else on the yacht with out having to unseat myself from the drivers seat. Once I unseat myself from the drivers seat to sit someplace else I can't return to the drivers seat with out the yacht immediately being returned. =(

  2. When I was trying to widen my hips a bit I'm only able to around 42 If I go beyond that a spike on both sides under the love handles appears. I switched to a female form to check and found the spikes do not appear at all. Looks odd with muscular legs and having them close together like that. So is there someway to make my hips wider with out causing spikes on both sides?

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