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Siberian Silverfall

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Posts posted by Siberian Silverfall

  1. Bio:

    Name: Snow Silverfall (siberian.silverfall)

    Gender: Male

    Species: [Furry] Jex


    About Me:

    Well, before you consider hiring me, I am not willing to switch avatars for my work, I will however, switch outfits. (If you want a picture of my avatar please IM me in-game.) I play guitar, and work on a few computer scripts for fun. I treat SL jobs like RL jobs.


    What Am I Looking For?:

    1. Escort

    2. Guard

    3. Security

    4. Dancer

    5. Photography

    ..I am also willing to try more, feel free to ask me!


    I WILL work for a lower pay, but I don't wish to work off of tips.


    How To Contact Me:

    1. Add Me In-Game & IM Me.


  2. I read all the above comments, and all seem very true. The company would be able to buy a security orb instead and hire its own staff to do this job. About the "copybotters" This is also true, there is no way to detect such things, and I see it raised alarm in some of the comments about people idling and being banned or ejected over it. Over all, it is true that this is a very poorly thought out idea. If it were to be managed by someone who has the money and time to make it into something better, it would have a chance. Other than that, I do think It isnt about to become reality any time soon.

    Thank you for pointing out the flaws, as I will look over this.



            Snow Silverfall.

  3. Hello,

          I am looking for either a team, or someone to create the following for me, I will disscuss pay with them later.


    What Is Needed


    1. Player Seeking Missles With Sounds, Animations, And Explode On Contact.

    2. A Lazer To Identify The Player "Lock On Lazer" That Projects From The Sky.

    3. A Menu Based HUD That Allows This All To Be Done.


    Information For Each


    Player Seeking Missle...

    This Missle Will (Preferably) Be Launched From The Sky And Down Onto The Targeted Player.

    When This Missle Strikes The Player It Should Explode, (Hopefully Not Sending The Player Too Far).


    Lazer From The Sky...

    This Lazer Is To Shine Down From The Sky, Showing The Locked Onto Player.

    This Lazer Will Go Away Once The Missle Has Been Fired.



    There Will Be A Little Icon For The HUD, Once Clicked A Menu Will Pop Up Asking Who To Lazer, This Menu Will Show All The Surrounding Players Names. Once You Select A Player The HUD Will Whisper To You "Locking Onto Target..." Then Lazer The Player For The Missle. You Will Now Get A Menu With Two Options, Launch, Or Back. Launch Will Fire The Missle At The Target, Back Will Take You Back To The Main Menu (Player Select)


    I Am Looking To Keep This A Private Item, So Creators, Please, When You Finish The Item, Keep It Off The Marketplace.


    Pay : TBD

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