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Chocobo Engineer

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Posts posted by Chocobo Engineer

  1. Rosemaery Lorefield wrote:

    I see they have changed it- I'm really bad at reading ahead!

    I get it's a brand name and that can cause concern. But really, what would you name a category that Meeroos fall under, other than "Other"? I think that's why LL made the category to begin with.


    Hey Rosemaery, Like i mentioned in my previous reply, a category that would be suitible to the meeroo's would be some thing along the lines of Fantasy Breedable pet, or Mystical Breedable pet. I hope that the other answers on this page helps you to understand why the category shouldnt be named Meeroos.


    Best Regards.

    Gaia Engineer

    Gaia Breedables

  2. Rosemaery Lorefield wrote:

    How I look at it- There are several brands of cats, dogs, horses, etc.

    AFAIK, only one company making Meeroos. Roos are Roos, it is a brand but also a "thing". They aren't a cat, dog, horse, rodent, etc. 

    It might look like playing faves, maybe they should be in an "other" category, but I don't see it as unethical.

    Meeroo is a Brand name, their "thing" is a Mystical or fantasy pet, its unethical because it gave the company Meeroos as a whole a greater advantage over new customers exploring the marketplace when they see Meeroo standing out of a crowd of many other breedable pets.

    Having one brand name showing on the market place shows favoritism towards that particular thing, and other companies will want their name there as well, but this can't be done because companies come and go very fast, and the list can never be maintained.

    But LL have changed it so that the brandname is no longer on the category name. Yet they haven't made concessions to other types of pets by removing the category Breedable Pets, and just adding breedable Cats, Dogs & Horses. As it was suggested, LL should also have a category for Fantasy & Mystical Breedables, and a few additional ones, such as Sci-fi Breedables, Small Breedables and so on.

  3. Still not the point, Meeroo is a brandname and having it as a category title singles it out even further, but in agreement with what you said, im sure meeroo's havent had any contact with LL, its their doing, but it is not ethical to have a brandname as a category title, because otherwise they would have to do it for all the others and not just one.

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