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Posts posted by AussiePaul

  1. LOL Havn't gone into FS yet... Still reading the scripts...

    On a slightly different topic... Could you explain to me or show me where to find out what these parts mean.

    "/me " and the "i" in (INVENTORY_ALL, i) ?

    {                llOwnerSay("/me " + llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, i));            }
  2. Thanks  Yingzi and Rollig.

    Its good for me to be able to know what these scripts do, and look at the various tools that you both have used to get the results.

    I'm poring over those lines now, but then I remembered I needed to come and thank you both for your kind assistance.

    Thanks again,


    PS ... Rollig!! You are so distracting!!! Now I find myself back looking at how I can remove the timestamps... (I use Firestorm and I am pretty sure I have seen that as an option in Preferences... so I'll find that, if for nothing else than the challenge!!  LOL)

  3. Thank you for the replies Ohjiro and Yingzi.

    I apologize for not explaing exactly what Im trying to do... I just was trying to not make a long post... but I think it deserves  a detailed explanation of what I'm doing and why.

     So here goes....

    What I'm trying to do is this... Mty AO has a feature that allows me to rezz it on the ground and  drop my animations in to it . The AO then automatically creates the notecard so that the anims work with the ao. I'm playing with building one for my self ... just for the exercize... just for fun... I'm adding all of the names of the free  animations that I have collected that I want to add to this "Practice AO" but its tedious... open the animation in Properties... Copy the name... paste it to the Notecard and then repeat.

    I figured there muist be a way to use a script to do it because my AO does that ... (I cant see how the AO does it of course because the files are no mod).

    I am a type of person who likes to think about how to do things in better ways.

    My initial plan was to make a prim and put the script into the prim... then add the animations... My AO sorts them... but I dont need that because I'm thinking Ill just ad say ... all of the stands... I understand that the script cant write the names to a notecard ... thats ok.

    If it is able to write it to Local chat (or IM) either way wont matter.... its not like Ill be doing this in a busy place ... probably on my own rental land ... so I would then take the list of all the stands... and paste them in a notecard and save it ... I would need to ad a "|" character between each one... again... I'm sure I could use a script to do that as well but thats for another lesson for me ... for now, it would be easy to do manually..

    Then I could do the same for all of the walks... and so on.

    So there you have it!

    Thats what Im trying to do ... so I'll go off to SL now and play with that piece of script and read some more and see what I can do with it ...

    Thanks for the help.



  4. Can anybody tell me how I would have a scripts name said in local chat when I dropped it in a prim?

    For example, If I dropped an animation in a prim, the name of the animation would be said in local chat.

    I have been looking in the functions lists... and I can see llgetscript name but it appears that delets a certain object? I just want the name with out having to open it in properties manually.

    Thanks for your help ,


  5. Hi Perrie I was not meanuing to offend you or anyone else who contributed to the thread.

    I was just speaking in relation to my personal needs and requirements from that script.

    Perhaps "Beat up" was not the correct use of the phrase ...

    I used it to try to say that personally I felt it was making more of the issue than I felt was there...

    I just didnt feel it was necessary.

    Of course its a personal thing which is exactly why I didnt comment in the thread itself at the time.

    I also wasn't talking about the thread  just that part of the topic itsself.. It was only in reference to my own personal feelings.

    Of course discussion and tweaking of scripts is an important part of learning new things... but not everyone needs to agree with the tweaks and can surely express dissenting views as to the value that an individual places on a tweak.




  6. I have read that thread already Perrie, I thought it was a bit of a beat up actually.

    I have been usng the orb at our place for about 3 months now.... I  dont have a problem with the case sensitivity at all .... the method I use is as follows.

    I make one attempt to add someone to the white list ... I warn them the security may eject them.  If it does I then use the ejected avatars list and copy the name that the orb tells me it has ejected and add that to the white list.

    I have never had it eject any one a second time using that method.

    I have never had a guest take issue with being ejected to the front door once and I do warn them of the possibility anyway

    I was hoping that it would work for my friend to use in a sandbox, as a kind of personal protection script.

    She is being hassled by someone who is finding her all the time, and annoying her... she has been staying at my place and using the protection of my orb... I hoped if I gave her the orb and she used it on a platform of a sand box she would get the same protection there ... but although Rolligs suggestion worked to make her the owner the orb does not work to eject any one from the platform in the sandbox ... it works at my home though ... so although it works well for my purpose (in our home) it will not work for hers, it seems.

    (She does not have a home of her own.)

    Thanks again Rollig.




  7. Hi I have been doing some experimenting with Mango Wylders Security Orb script that I found in a script library.

    Mango Wylders security orb

    I gave it to my partner to use in her/our  home. and it works really well for us. There was an issue with the orb not recognising her as authorised but I did something and solved that. Now I would like to give the orb to one of our friends but Im having trouble again... I stupidly didnt make any notes the last time I solved the problem and now I have not been able to remember how I did it.

    I have taken the script and dropped it in to a prim that I made.

    When I give it to my friend she is told when she touches it that she is unauthorised she is the owner of the prim but the script is not seeing her as the owner I dont remember how I made my partner the owner but I definatly did so.

    We tried to remove me from the white list and we got a message that said the owner can not be removed from the white list.

    Can any one tell me how to make her be recognised as the owner.

    this is the script I am using



        list    gLstChoices = ["Show Admin", "Add Admin", "Del Admin", "Show White", "Add White", "Del White", "Turn On", "Turn Off", "Orb Status", "More", "Cancel"];
    list    gLstChoicesMore = ["ShowBan",  "PurgeBan", "DelBan", "ShowEjected", "DelEject", "ClearEject", "Warn Time", "SetRange", "SetBanTime", "<< Back", "Group Mode", "Scan Rate"];
    list    gLstChoiceGroup = ["Group On", "Group Off"];
    list    gLstOwnerName = [];
    list    gLstAdminNames = [];
    //      scanner ignores anyone in this list
    list    gLstIgnore = [];
    //      ejected is where avi's are logged if scanner is on and not in White List
    list    gLstEjected = [];
    //      LstBan is where avi's are added with a timestamp if they return within BanTime
    list    gLstBan = [];
    //      LstEjectR is where avi's are add if they come back a second time within BanTime
    //      avi's will automatically be deleted from LstEjectR when added to LstBan
    //      this combination allows for the third visit within BanTime and LLTeleportHome
    //      Three strikes and you are out
    list    gLstEjectR = [];
    //      find out if the toucher is authorized
    key     gKeyToucherID;
    //      default scanner range is 30 meteres
    float   gFltRange = 30.0;
    //      default warning time is 30 seconds
    float   gFltWarnTime = 30;
    float   gFltScanRate = 30;
    integer gIntChannel_Dialog;
    integer gIntChannel_Chat;
    integer gIntListen_Id;
    integer gIntListen_Id_Chat;
    //      limit the white list to 25 users
    integer gIntWhite_LstLen = 25;
    //      limit ejected list to 25 (25 plus the unix time stamp for each avi
    integer gIntEject_LstLen = 50;
    //      limit admin list to 12 users
    integer gIntAdmin_LstLen = 6;
    //      initial scanner range
    integer gIntRange = 30;
    //      initial bantime in seconds (1 hour)
    integer gIntBanTime = 3600;
    //      initial bantime in hours
    integer gIntBanTimeH = 1;
    integer gIntMasterRW = TRUE;
    integer gIntWhiteAD;
    integer gIntActive;
    integer gIntSetBanTime;
    integer gIntEjected;
    integer gIntBanned;
    integer gIntSetRange;
    integer gIntWarnTime;
    integer gIntSetWarnTime;
    integer gIntSetScanRate;
    integer gIntVectorX;
    //      scanner will ignore anyone with the same active group tag if activated
    integer gIntGroupSet = 0;
    string  gStrWarnTime = "30";
    string  gStrBanTime = "1";
    string  gStrRange = "30";
    string  gStrScanRate = "30";
    string  gParcelName;
    string  gStrToucherName;
    string  gStrNewOwnerName;
    string parcelName(vector p) {
        return llList2String(llGetParcelDetails(p, [PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]) , 0);
            gStrNewOwnerName = llKey2Name (llGetOwner ());  // fkb
            gLstOwnerName += gStrNewOwnerName ; // fkb
            gLstIgnore  += gStrNewOwnerName;        // fkb
            gIntChannel_Dialog = ( -1 * (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetKey(),-5,-1)) ); // set a negative integer chat channel for the dialog box
            gIntChannel_Chat = 7; // Set a chat channel to listen to owners commands
            gParcelName = parcelName(llGetPos());
        touch_start(integer total_number)
            gKeyToucherID = llDetectedKey(0);
            gStrToucherName = llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(0)); // find out who is touching us
            list vOwnerAdminNames = gLstOwnerName + gLstAdminNames;
            if(~llListFindList(vOwnerAdminNames, [gStrToucherName])) // find out if the toucher is in the owners/admins list. If so they may proceed
                gKeyToucherID = llDetectedKey(0);
                llDialog(gKeyToucherID, "Please make a choice.", gLstChoices, gIntChannel_Dialog);
                gIntListen_Id = llListen(gIntChannel_Dialog, "", gKeyToucherID, "");
                gIntChannel_Chat = 7;
                llSetTimerEvent(20); //set a time limit to llListen
                llSay (0, "You are not authorized"); // if toucher isn't in the owner/admin list they get a warning
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string choice)
            if(channel == gIntChannel_Dialog)
                if (~llListFindList(gLstChoices, [choice]))  // verify dialog choice
                    if (choice == "Cancel")
                    else if (choice == "More")
                        llDialog(gKeyToucherID, "Pick an option!", gLstChoicesMore, gIntChannel_Dialog); // present submenu on request
                    else if (choice == "Orb Status")
                        if (gIntActive == 1)
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Security Orb is active and scanning at " + gStrRange + " meters in eject mode" + " Scan Rate is set at " + gStrScanRate + " seconds.");
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Bantime is set at " + gStrBanTime + " hour(s)" + " Warning time is set at " + gStrWarnTime + " seconds");
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Security Orb is turned off"  + " Scan Rate is set at " + gStrScanRate + " seconds" );
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Bantime is set at " + gStrBanTime + " hour(s)" + " Warning time is set at " + gStrWarnTime + " seconds");
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "Turn On")
                        if (gIntActive == 1)
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Security Orb is already armed and scanning at " + gStrRange + " meters. I will eject anyone I can find unless they're in your White list." );
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Bantime is set at " + gStrBanTime + " hour(s)" + " Warning time is set at " + gStrWarnTime + " seconds" + " Scan Rate is set at " + gStrScanRate + " seconds.");
                            gIntActive = 1;
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Security Orb is armed and scanning at " + gStrRange + " meters. I will eject anyone I can find unless they're in your White list." );
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Bantime is set at " + gStrBanTime + " hour(s)" + " Warning time is set at " + gStrWarnTime + " seconds" + " Scan Rate is set at " + gStrScanRate + " seconds.");
                            llSensorRepeat( "", "", AGENT, gFltRange, PI, gFltScanRate );
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "Turn Off")
                        gIntActive = 0;
                        llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " Security Orb is turned off");
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "Show White")
                        llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Here's your White list");
                        integer i;
                        integer s = llGetListLength(gLstIgnore);
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, llList2String(gLstIgnore,i));
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    if (choice == "Add White")
                        if (llGetListLength(gLstIgnore) >= gIntWhite_LstLen)
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " You have reached the maximum allowed in the White List.");
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " If you want to the White List, you will need to delete one first");
                            gIntWhiteAD = 1;
                            if(gIntWhiteAD == 1) {
                                llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Please Enter name to Add in chat window on Channel /7");
                                gIntListen_Id_Chat = llListen(gIntChannel_Chat, "", gKeyToucherID, ""); // listen to user on chat channel
                                llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "Del White")
                        gIntWhiteAD = 2;
                        llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Please Enter name to Delete in chat window on Channel /7");
                        gIntListen_Id_Chat = llListen(gIntChannel_Chat, "", gKeyToucherID, ""); // listen to user on chat channel
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "Add Admin")
                        if (llGetListLength(gLstAdminNames) >= gIntAdmin_LstLen)
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " You have reached the maximum allowed Administrators.");
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " If you want to add another Administrator, you will need to delete one first");
                        else if(~llListFindList(gLstOwnerName, [gStrToucherName]))
                            gIntWhiteAD = 3;
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Please Enter name of the Administrator to Add in chat window on Channel /7");
                            gIntListen_Id_Chat = llListen(gIntChannel_Chat, "", gKeyToucherID, ""); // listen to user on chat channel
                            llSay (0, "You are not authorized to add to the administrators list"); // if toucher isn't in the owner they get a warning
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "Show Admin")
                        if (gLstAdminNames == [])
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " The Administrators list is empty");
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Here's your Administrators list");
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, llList2CSV(gLstAdminNames));
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "Del Admin")
                        if(~llListFindList(gLstOwnerName, [gStrToucherName]))
                            if (gLstAdminNames == [])
                                llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " The Administrators list is empty");
                            else if (llGetListLength(gLstAdminNames))   // fkb
                                gIntWhiteAD = 4;
                                llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Please Enter name of the Admin to Delete in chat window on Channel /7");
                                gIntListen_Id_Chat = llListen(gIntChannel_Chat, "", gKeyToucherID, ""); // listen to user on chat channel
                                llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "You are not authorized to remove from the administrators list"); // if toucher isn't in the owner they get a warning
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                if (~llListFindList(gLstChoicesMore, [choice]))  // verify dialog choice
                    if (choice == "Warn Time")
                        gIntSetWarnTime = 1;
                        llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Please enter the new warning time on Channel /7");
                        gIntListen_Id_Chat = llListen(gIntChannel_Chat, "", gKeyToucherID, ""); // listen to user on chat channel
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on gIntChannel_Dialog
                    else if (choice == "Scan Rate")
                        gIntSetScanRate = 1;
                        llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Please enter a Scan Rate from 5 to 60 seconds in the chat window on Channel /7");
                        gIntListen_Id_Chat = llListen(gIntChannel_Chat, "", gKeyToucherID, ""); // listen to user on chat channel
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "SetRange")
                        gIntSetRange = 1;
                        llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Please enter the new scan range on Channel /7");
                        gIntListen_Id_Chat = llListen(gIntChannel_Chat, "", gKeyToucherID, ""); // listen to user on chat channel
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "ShowEjected")
                        if (gLstEjected == [])
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " The ejected list is empty");
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Here's your ejected list");
                            integer i;
                            integer s = llGetListLength(gLstEjected);
                                llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, llList2String(gLstEjected,i));
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "DelEject")
                        if (gLstEjected == [])
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " The ejected list is empty");
                            gIntEjected = 1;
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Please enter name to delete in chat window on Channel /7");
                            gIntListen_Id_Chat = llListen(gIntChannel_Chat, "", gKeyToucherID, ""); // listen to user on chat channel
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "ClearEject")
                        if (gLstEjected == [])
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " The ejected list is already empty");
                            gIntEjected = 2;
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "This will clear the Ejected List. Do you wish to proceeed? Enter y or n on Channel /7");
                            gIntListen_Id_Chat = llListen(gIntChannel_Chat, "", gKeyToucherID, ""); // listen to user on chat channel
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "DelBan")
                        if (gLstBan == [])
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " The Banned list is already empty");
                            gIntBanned = 1;
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "This will clear the Banned List. Do you wish to proceeed? Enter y or no on Channel /7");
                            gIntListen_Id_Chat = llListen(gIntChannel_Chat, "", gKeyToucherID, ""); // listen to user on chat channel
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "PurgeBan")
                        if (gLstBan == [])
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " The ejected Ban list is empty");
                            integer length = llGetListLength(gLstBan); //purge avi's that have been gone longer than Ban Time
                            integer i = - 1;
                            integer BOOT_TIME = llGetUnixTime(); // store current time
                            for (; i < length; i += 2) // for all timestamps
                                if (BOOT_TIME - llList2Integer(gLstBan,i) > gIntBanTime) //compare timestamp with current time
                                    integer j = i - 1;
                                    gLstBan = llDeleteSubList(gLstBan, j, i);
                                    i -= 2;  // offset
                                    length -= 2; // offset
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " The ejected Ban list has been purged of entries greater than " + gStrBanTime + " hour(s). Use Show Ban to see current entries.");
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "ShowBan")
                        if (gLstBan == [])
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " The Banned list is empty");
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, llList2CSV (gLstBan));
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "SetBanTime")
                        gIntSetBanTime = 1;
                        llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Please enter Ban time in hours on Channel /7");
                        gIntListen_Id_Chat = llListen(gIntChannel_Chat, "", gKeyToucherID, ""); // listen to user on chat channel
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "Group Mode")
                        llDialog(gKeyToucherID, "Please ensure the Security Console is set to the correct group before enabling this feature.", gLstChoiceGroup, gIntChannel_Dialog);
                    else if (choice == "<< Back")
                        llDialog(gKeyToucherID, "What do you want to do?", gLstChoices, gIntChannel_Dialog); // present main menu on request to go back
                if (~llListFindList(gLstChoiceGroup, [choice]))  // verify dialog choice
                    if (choice == "Group On")
                        gIntGroupSet = 1;
                        llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Group Mode protection is activated");
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                    else if (choice == "Group Off")
                        gIntGroupSet = 0;
                        llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Group Mode protection is de-activated");
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
            //end of channel_dialog
            if(channel == gIntChannel_Chat)
                if (gIntMasterRW = TRUE) // check to see if modifying any list is still allowwd (not timed out)
                    if (gIntWhiteAD == 1)//ensure we should be here adding to the White List
                        if(~llListFindList(gLstIgnore, [choice]))
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " is already in the White List");
                        else if(~llListFindList(gLstEjected, [choice]))
                            integer i = llListFindList(gLstEjected, [choice]);
                            gLstEjected = llDeleteSubList(gLstEjected, i,i);
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " was in the Ejected list " + choice + "  has been removed from the Ejected list" );
                            if(~llListFindList(gLstBan, [choice]))
                                integer j = llListFindList (gLstBan, [choice]);
                                gLstBan = llDeleteSubList(gLstBan, j,j + 1 ); //remove the avi and their timestamp from the Ban List
                            gLstIgnore = gLstIgnore + [choice]; //mono optimized list append
                            gLstIgnore = gLstIgnore + [choice]; //mono optimized list append
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " has been added to the White List");
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); //remove the listen on channel_chat
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id); //remove the listen on channel_dialog
                        gIntWhiteAD = 0;
                    else if (gIntWhiteAD == 2) // ensure we should be here removing from the White List
                        if(~llListFindList(gLstOwnerName, [choice]))
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "You can not remove the owner name from the White list!");
                            integer j = llListFindList(gLstIgnore, [choice]);
                            if (j == -1)
                                gIntWhiteAD = 0;
                                llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " isn't in the White list");
                                llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); //remove the listen on channel_chat
                                llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); //remove the listen on channel_chat
                            else {
                                gLstIgnore = llDeleteSubList(gLstIgnore, j,j);
                                llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " has been removed from the White list");
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); //remove the listen on channel_chat
                    else if (gIntWhiteAD == 3) // ensure we should be here adding to the Administrators List
                        if(~llListFindList(gLstAdminNames, [choice]))
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " is already in the Admin List");
                        else if(~llListFindList(gLstIgnore, [choice]))
                            gLstAdminNames = gLstAdminNames + [choice];
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " has been added to the Administrators list");
                        else if(~llListFindList(gLstEjected, [choice]))
                            integer j = llListFindList(gLstEjected, [choice]);
                            gLstEjected = llDeleteSubList(gLstEjected, j,j);
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " was in the Ejected list " + choice + "  has been removed from the Ejected list" );
                            if(~llListFindList(gLstBan, [choice]))
                                integer k = llListFindList (gLstBan, [choice]);
                                gLstBan = llDeleteSubList(gLstBan,k,k + 1 );
                            gLstAdminNames = gLstAdminNames + [choice];
                            gLstIgnore = gLstIgnore + [choice];
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " has been added to the Administrators list");
                            gLstAdminNames = gLstAdminNames + [choice];
                            gLstIgnore = gLstIgnore + [choice];
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " has been added to the Administrators list");
                        gIntWhiteAD = 0;
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); //remove the listen on channel_chat
                    else if (gIntWhiteAD == 4) // ensure we should be here to remove from Administrators list
                        integer j = llListFindList(gLstAdminNames, [choice]);
                        if ( j == -1)
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " isn't in the Administrators list");
                            gLstAdminNames = llDeleteSubList(gLstAdminNames, j,j); // remove the person from the admin list
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " has been removed from the Administators list");
                        gIntWhiteAD = 0;
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); //remove the listen on channel_chat
                    else if (gIntSetRange == 1) // set the scanner range
                        gIntRange = (integer) choice;
                        if (gIntRange)
                            gStrRange = choice;
                            gFltRange = (float) gIntRange;
                            llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT, gFltRange, PI, gFltScanRate);
                            gIntActive = 1;
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Changed range to: " + gStrRange + " meters and restarted the scanner");
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Bantime is set at " + gStrBanTime + " hour(s)" + " Warning time is set at " + gStrWarnTime + " seconds" + " Scan Rate is set at " + gStrScanRate + " seconds.");
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Invalid entry. Please enter an integer in meters up to 96 meters.");
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); //remove the listen on channel_chat
                        gIntSetRange = 0;
                    else if (gIntSetWarnTime == 1) // set the scan warn time
                        gIntWarnTime = (integer) choice;
                        if (gIntWarnTime)
                            gStrWarnTime = choice;
                            gFltWarnTime = (integer) gIntWarnTime;
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " Warning time has been changed to " + gStrWarnTime + " seconds");
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Invalid entry. Please try again!");
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); //remove the listen on channel_chat
                        gIntSetWarnTime = 0;
                    else if (gIntEjected == 1) // remove an avi from the Ejected list
                        integer j = llListFindList(gLstEjected, [choice]);
                        if ( j == -1)
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " isn't in the Ejected list");
                            llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); // remove the listen on channel_chat
                            gIntEjected = 0;
                        gLstEjected = llDeleteSubList(gLstEjected, j,j);
                        llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, choice + " has been removed from the Ejected list");
                        gIntEjected = 0;
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); // remove the listen on channel_chat
                    else if (gIntEjected == 2) // clear the Ejected list
                        if (choice == "y")
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Resetting the Ejected List");
                            gLstEjected = [];
                        if (choice == "n")
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Aborting");
                        gIntEjected = 0;
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); //remove the listen on channel_chat
                    else if (gIntBanned == 1) // clear the Ban list
                        if (choice == "y")
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Resetting the Banned List");
                            gLstBan = [];
                        if (choice == "n")
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Aborting");
                        gIntBanned = 0;
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); //remove the listen on channel_chat
                    else if (gIntSetBanTime == 1) // set the bantime in hours
                        gIntBanTime = (integer) choice;
                        if (gIntBanTime)
                            gIntBanTime = gIntBanTime * 3600; // convert hours entered to seconds (3600 seconds in an hour)
                            gIntBanTimeH = gIntBanTime / 3600;
                            gStrBanTime = (string) gIntBanTimeH;
                            string hours;
                            if (gIntBanTime > 3600)
                                hours = " hours";
                                hours = " hour";
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, " Ban time set to " + gStrBanTime +  hours);
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Invalid entry. Please enter an integer in hours. i.e. Enter 2 for 2 hours");
                        gIntSetBanTime = 0;
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); // remove the listen on channel_chat
                    else if (gIntSetScanRate == 1) // set the scan rate in seconds
                        gFltScanRate = (float) choice;
                        if (gFltScanRate)
                            gStrScanRate = choice;
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "ScanRate set to " + gStrScanRate + " seconds. Restarted the scanner");
                            llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT, gFltRange, PI, gFltScanRate);
                            gIntActive = 1;
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Security Orb is active and scanning at " + gStrRange + " meters in eject mode" + " Scan Rate is set at " + gStrScanRate + " seconds.");
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Bantime is set at " + gStrBanTime + " hour(s)" + " Warning time is set at " + gStrWarnTime + " seconds");
                            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Invalid Entry. Please enter a Scan Rate between 10 and 60 seconds. i.e /7 30");
                        gIntSetScanRate = 0;
                        llListenRemove(gIntListen_Id_Chat); // remove the listen on channel_chat
        { //TIMES UP!
            gIntMasterRW = FALSE;
            llRegionSayTo(gKeyToucherID, 0, "Times is up to make changes");
            llSetTimerEvent(0); // Stop the timer from being called repeatedly
        sensor(integer nr)
        { // Here is where all people found in its vincinity are returned.
            // first we make sure the scanner is active before we continue
            if (gIntActive == 1)
                integer i;
                    integer found = FALSE;
                    if (gIntGroupSet == 1)
                        if (llSameGroup(llDetectedKey(i)))
                            found = TRUE;
                    string vNameTest = llDetectedName(i);
                    integer j;
                    // we scan through the list of names to see if this person is whitelisted
                    for (j = 0; j < llGetListLength(gLstIgnore); ++j)
                        if (llList2String(gLstIgnore, j) == vNameTest){
                            // they are in in the white list
                            found = TRUE;
                    // verify the avi is on our parcel
                    vector pos = llDetectedPos(i);
                    string pname = parcelName(pos);
                    if (pname == gParcelName)
                        gIntVectorX = 1;
                    if (found == FALSE && gIntVectorX == 1 && llOverMyLand(llDetectedKey(i)) && (llDetectedKey(i) != llGetOwner())) // When the person has not been found we start to check if this person is on our land. And on popuar reques we will never kick the owner ;)
                        if (~llListFindList (gLstEjectR, [llDetectedName(i)]))
                            integer index = llListFindList(gLstEjectR, [llDetectedName(i)]);
                            integer BOOT_TIME_TEST = llList2Integer(gLstEjectR, index + 1);
                            integer BOOT_TIME = llGetUnixTime();
                            integer timetest = (BOOT_TIME - BOOT_TIME_TEST);
                            if (timetest  <=  gIntBanTime )
                                llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(i), "You are on private property. This is the second time you have been detected. If you are detected again you will be teleported home with no warning!"); // Let's notify this user that he has a few seconds to leave
                                if (llOverMyLand(llDetectedKey(i)))
                                    llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(i), "GOODBYE!");
                                    llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "Ejecting from our home: "+ llDetectedName(i));
                                    gLstBan = gLstBan + [llDetectedName(i), llGetUnixTime()];
                                    gLstEjectR = llDeleteSubList(gLstEjectR,index,index + 1 );
                            if (timetest  >=  gIntBanTime )
                                gLstEjectR = llDeleteSubList(gLstEjectR,index,index + 1 );
                            if (llGetListLength(gLstEjectR) > gIntEject_LstLen)
                                gLstEjectR = llDeleteSubList(gLstEjectR, 0, 1 );
                        else if (~llListFindList(gLstBan, [llDetectedName(i)]))
                            integer index = llListFindList(gLstBan, [llDetectedName(i)]);
                            integer BOOT_TIME_TEST = llList2Integer(gLstBan, index + 1);
                            integer BOOT_TIME = llGetUnixTime();
                            integer timetest = (BOOT_TIME - BOOT_TIME_TEST);
                            if (timetest  <=  gIntBanTime )
                                llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(i), "You have been twice ejected recently. Ejecting Home!");
                                llTeleportAgentHome (llDetectedKey(i));
                                llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "Ejecting from our home: "+llDetectedName(i) + ". Ejected within the last hour. No warning");
                            if (timetest  >=  gIntBanTime )
                                gLstBan = llDeleteSubList(gLstBan,index,index + 1 );
                            // auto purge
                            if (llGetListLength(gLstBan) > gIntEject_LstLen)
                                gLstBan = llDeleteSubList(gLstBan, 0, 1 );
                            // let's notify this user that they have a few seconds to leave
                            llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(i), "You are on private property. You will be ejected from this parcel in " + gStrWarnTime + " seconds.");
                            // wait the time we gave them to leave
                            if (llOverMyLand(llDetectedKey(i))) // Ok let's see if they have left.
                            { // if they are still on lets say BYE to them, and tell the owner someone is kicked off the land
                                llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(i), "GOODBYE!");
                                llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "Ejecting from our home: "+llDetectedName(i));
                                // and finaly we really kick them off
                                gLstEjectR = gLstEjectR + [llDetectedName(i), llGetUnixTime()];
                                if (~llListFindList(gLstEjected, [llDetectedName(i)]))
                                    return; // already in the ejected list so exit
                                    gLstEjected = gLstEjected + llDetectedName(i);
                            // auto purge
                            if (llGetListLength(gLstEjected) > gIntEject_LstLen)
                                gLstEjected = llDeleteSubList(gLstEjected, 0, 1 );
                }while ((++i) < nr);


  8. My partner has just changed to a premium account and has a Linden home. She wants me to be able to rezz objects in her/our  home. And also set it to my home. We have a group and it is active but we still cant see how to set it that I can have those rights.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Cheers Paul

  9. I just discussed this with her. Its sort of difficult to get a clear picture because she is not really sure what she is expected to see  ... it turns out (apparently) she does not even see the pie chart when she clicks on a poseball .....she does on every thing else she clicks on, though.... (in her words). and she said she did see the pie chart thing to start off with.

    She checked the block list and there was nothing in there at all.

    I am going away on wednesday for a weeks holiday and no internet .

    While I'm away, she is gonna uninstall both viewers and probably only reinstall Firestorm.

    Even as a newbie she prefers it.

    I will do some more research into it before I go and then look into it again when I get back.

    Thanks for the assistance. I  appreciate the time spent in offering it. She does too... she just does not know why it is not working.

    She was just confused when she started to talk to me in a sand box.  She was trying to learn to use the program and it wasnt working as it should for her... well, in that one way, anyway.

    There were some poseballs in the sandbox and that was what she was "practicing" on.

      Ohh.... I didnt see the posts about the shield till after she went off line, so I havn't checked about that yet. she doesnt have a big head or anything. Her avatar looks and moves just normalyy for a newbie!!!! (No AO loaded yet).

    This poseball thing is frustrating ehre and she is spending all of her time online (just about) trying to get that to work. 



  10. Thanks for the reply Dilbert.

    That sounds like it may be the issue. She only downloaded Firestorm yesterday? or maybe the day before anyway it should be the latest version... 

    It seemed like she was having the same problem in the second life viewer, before moving to firestorm.

    I'm thinking it is probably a setting that she has changed accidently in the original viewer and it has carried over in to Firestorm (as it should ) ... otherwise you would have to redo all of your preferences when you change to Firestorm ... and that is not the case, thankfully.

    I think you are probably spot on about this.

    I'll try to  find the setting on mine and then talk her through checking it.

    At least I know have a place to start looking... and some terminology.

    Thanks again,

    I'll let you know how it goes.


  11. Hi I am trying to help a friend use the poseballs in second life. She was using the second life viewer but has changed under my reccomendation to Firestorm. She could not use the poseballs in the second life viewer and still cant now. It seems to me that she cannot see the message for the "allow the toy to animate your avatar" part of the process. It seems like it is just not there although I am not able to see her computer screen. Is there a way this could have been turned of so as to always "Ignore " these messages? Thanks for any help

    Paul.... and Angie.

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