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Pheaton Philbin

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Posts posted by Pheaton Philbin

  1. I do appreciate the advice. Even if the messages are mixed.

    There is one specific area in SL I would like to optimise, by upgrading my computer. I love flying in SL and own Luxor Airport (come visit) . When flying , I sometimes experience "camera crash" which is a loss of control on which camera aspect of the plane is selected. It is very hard to land a plane when you have a close up of the cabin wall on your viewer which you have little control of deselecting. This glitch happens most when sim crossing occurs. It can be reduced by turning down and simpifying graphics in preferences. This of course compromises every other graphic experience in SL.

    I'm wondering if the high end graphics processor, 390 or the 395X would be most likely to help with this particular aspect I am trying to avoid. 

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