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  1. Thank you wdwalker for your participation. Here is the article published where your response is included. Feel free to comment on the article. http://www.slenquirer.com/2013/10/avie-poll-is-second-life-just-game-or.html
  2. Hello all, Is Second Life just a Game or Is it an Extension of your real life? Please give us your opinion. The responses will be included in a article for the SL Enquirer at www.slenquirer.com. Thank you for participating Glossom Resident
  3. Hello all, I'm writing an article for the SL Enquirerm on regrets in Second Life. The questions are: - Is there anything you wish you never did in SL. - If you could take back something , what would it be? Please voice your opinion and share your own experiences in the subject, with us. The responses will be included in the article. Newspaper link: www.slenquirer.com Thank you for your participation. Glossom Resident
  4. Here is the article published on the SL Enquier newspaper: http://www.slenquirer.com/2013/10/avie-poll-what-was-your-funniest.html Thank you all for participating in the Avie Poll with your comments. Regards, Glossom Resident
  5. So funny . We all were newbies before and been through embarrassing situations like that.. Isn't Second Life a fun place?
  6. Question: What was your funniest mistake in Second life? I would like to know your funny accidents and mistakes in SL, either with objects or with people. The funniest responses will be included in an article to be published on the SL Enquirer website at http://www.slenquirer.com Thank you for your participation. Glossom Resident
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