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Posts posted by HighPriestKlasicov

  1. I am willing to do anything. Submit to a woman, be an escort, escort protection (security) for females, host, race direct, tech inspect, etc. I am in desperate need of cigarettes and money for bills, about 120-150 dollars.  I have prior host experience in secondlife for years. Inbox  me or contact me in world please.

  2. I need custom, reliable and devoted builders/texturers to build a total of roughly nine Vietnam Soviet era weapons and roughly twelve to fifteeen modern Ukrainian weapons. I will pay 1200 to 6, 000 lindens for the weapons unscripted full perm. I also need aircraft and Vietnam era armored vehicles built/textured as well as modern aircraft and armored vehicles for The Modern Ukrainian Armed Forces. Please kontakt me in world for further details.

  3. I am in search of active, reliable recruits/new soldats in my Ukrainian Military. Please kontakt me in world for enlistment. We do both World War Two as Soviet Ukraine, but will be transitioning eventually into The UPA, The Ukrainian Insurgent Army as well as Modern Warfare, mainly based in Chechnya, Eastern Russia 1999. We are also considering going into more modern sims, Middle Eastern sims, based and themed off of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan as well as starting Vietnam deployments as Soviet Ukraine, however, we need more active and trained personnel. World War Two sim is New Fallout. Please kontakt me in world for further questions and enlistment.

  4. I need a few aspekts/uniform components made to make this Ukrainian BDU into a full combat ACU (Army Combat Uniform). I also need uniforms made for The Ukrainian Spetsnaz, Spetsnaz GRU, SBU, Navy, Air Force ahn Marines. I will pay no less than 2500 lindens per uniform. Spasiba. Thank you. Please kontakt me if you are willing to accept the commission designers. Prices are negotiatible. highpriestklasicov

  5. I ahm General of Army of Ukraine Klasicov Chernoybl in secondlife. The same one that posted the recruiting ad a few days ago. I ahm in need of weapons to be made, aircraft ahn armored vehicles as vell as uniforms for my Military group. I have notecards written in world with full specifications of everything. Builders, I will pay you vell if you take my commission. Same with any scripters interested. My main worry at the moment is  a few world war two soviet weapons for Vietnam, two trainer aircraft ahn a set of 15 or so modern ukrainian weapons. I will not go lower than 800 lindens for the weapon builds ahn will offer 3600 lindens for each aircraft/armored vehicle built ahn textured. Prices are negotiately but must also be reasonable. Please kontakt me in world for further information if you are willing to take the job. The listed offer of 3600 linden for aircraft ahn armored vehicle is double vat most aircraft ahn armored vehicles cost in sl for vice. highpriestklasicov.

  6. I ahm General of Army of Ukraine Klasicov Chernoybl in secondlife. The same one that posted the recruiting ad a few days ago. I ahm in need of weapons to be made, aircraft ahn armored vehicles as vell as uniforms for my Military group. I have notecards written in world with full specifications of everything. Builders, I will pay you vell if you take my commission. Same with any scripters interested. My main worry at the moment is world war two soviet weapons, two trainer aircraft ahn a set of 11 modern ukrainian weapons. I will not go lower than 800 lindens for the weapon builds ahn will offer 3600 lindens for each aircraft/armored vehicle built ahn textured. Prices are negotiately but must also be reasonable. Please kontakt me in world for further information if you are willing to take the job.  highpriestklasicov.

  7. Do you vant to be a patriot for the defense of The Soviet Union and liberation of Kharcov in The Great Patriotic War?

    The Zbroyni Syly Ukrayiny (ZSU), The Ukrainian Armed Forces/Military/Army of Ukraine prides itself with patriotism, honor, and integrity.  As part of our realistic free choice we allow combatants choice in becoming a Marine, Air Force Pilot, Infantry (light or heavy), Special Forces, Police, Security via KGB/SBU/NKVD, or Naval Forces.  Once basic training is complete this individuality allows players to choose their division or branch of expertise.

    The Soviet Ukraine/Ukrainian SSR enjoys combat in World War 2 regions which include New Fallout, Bastogne and the Peronne as an ally to the Russian, Polish and Soviet Union.

    As a patriot benefits include:

    Paygrade at 500 Linden per week for ranks promoted to Sergeant and up. High quality uniforms. One gifted soviet WW2 or modern tank to graduates of the basic and armored division training. Purchasing assistance for standard issue weapons.

    Our desire is to build an active command personnel with strong organizational skills to build a strong military within our regions of play.  We encourage you to ask questions and contact General of Army of Ukraine/Generalissmo of The Soviet Union Klasicov Chernoybl (highpriestklasicov Resident) to obtain information on becoming part of the team.









    The  Great Patriotic War (Russian: Вели́кая Оте́чественная война́ (acronym "ВОВ"), Velíkaya Otéchestvennaya voyná) is used in Russia and some other states of the former Soviet Union to describe the period from 22 June 1941 to 9 May 1945 during World War II, in the many fronts of the Soviet-German war against Nazi Germany and its allies.






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