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Posts posted by charliecav

  1. Im interested in how people create their avatar/s. Why do people make their avatar/s look like they do? Are they a way of expressing your RL personality? are they a way of re inventing yourself? or just a recreation of your RL body? 

  2. Sorry if i come across as really naive, im pretty new to SL. if people have multipe avatars, would you say each one is used for a different pupose? does each one represent a different element of their RL personality? what would you say people's motivations are for creating multiple avatars?

  3. Hi everyone,

    I'm doing a research project about the connection between the 'real' person and their avatar. Whether people want to make their avatar look like themselves, or if the avatar allows people to be who ever they want to be etc etc. I know lots of people dont like talking about this kind of thing, so I'm looking to talk to people who would be comfortable having a chat with me, inworld or just on this thread.


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