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Posts posted by Amel89

  1. This country I live in blocks voice services like skype, tango etc. Only recently did it block sl voice after the usage levels increased. I haven't suspected that that was the problem but after a while I installed Hotspotshield and I could hear the voice chats and talk too BUT it would soon crash and I have to repeat. I just don't understand why. HSS is supposed to protect the connection, why is it interefering with sl viewer. Btw I'm using firestorm. If you have any viewers that might not crash with HSS, or a method to stop HSS from crashing firestorm I'll be very thankful. Ps: When I'm in another country that doesn't ban voice services sl viewer never crashes.
  2. I've installed the hotspot shield and it worked! but as soon as I openend the voice morphing to listen to other people second life crashed. I wonder what's the problem since this has been happening with multiple viewers yesterday.

  3. Hey, I would appreciate it greatly if anyone helps me. GREATLY

    The voice chat used to work before so well. Then towards few month ago it stopped. I bought a new laptop and tried different viewers starting from the linden lab to firestorm, viewer 3 to Exodus. I fixed everything in the preferences and cleared my cache and lowered the graphics to minimum and everything you can imagine. I tested the voice input and output in the preferences and it seemed to work perfectly but the speak button never highlights! Or the call button. People can't call me and I can't hear them. Even the public chat. I've honestly asked everyone I know and tried reloging many many times. I let the sl voice through the firewall as well so what I'm trying to say is that no matter what I did and what seemed to work perfectly with everyone didn't highlight my speak button or the call button. My friend is also facing the same problem. I am currently in Oman. I dunno what to do anymore! Please help.

  4. I had this prblem also. But I was using windows 7 before and second life was working fine. After I formatted my laptop and reinstalled the same operating system window 7 I don't even get the log in window. I'm using ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 and my screen resolution meets up with the sl requirements. But I keep getting this message: 

    second life is unable to run because your video card drivers did not install properly, are out of date, or are for unsupported hardware. Please make sure you have the lastest video card drivers and even if you do have the lates, try reinstalling them. 


    If any one has the same problem please help.  

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