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Delightful Demina

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Posts posted by Delightful Demina

  1. When looking for a linden home location is important to most of us. If lindens limit the choices to 5 every 24 hours its unfair to send us back the the same ones we already abandoned. that uses up a choice. I've been looking and on several nights i have been sent back to the same house twice in the same session and again the next night.. That's not really fair. if i didn't want it the first two times or the two times the night before i'm not going to change  my mind and take it just to make lindens happy. it still cost me $99 a year. i get we have to keep trying to get the house we like but everyone should get the same 5 options. 

    • Like 3
  2. To Add your credit card

    1) Go to the dash board through your browser ....not through second life (or just Google  secondlife dash board..)

    2) make sure you are using the correct avi name . Use  the name you used to open your sl account if it is still active,  not alts...and everything is spelled  correctly.

    Do not use auto fill - type in everything fresh.

    3) add the informaion. check carfully  to be sure everything is spelled and numbers are correct..

    4) click the submit number at the bottom of the screen


  3. I use Singularity Viewer 1.8.0.  i really like it but i crash constantly,. seems like every 60 or 70 mouse clicks  and i crash. i dont like  firestorm and nothng else works in sl right now. sl viwer does not use rlv so i'd relly liketh get the crashing fixed.

     any gurus out there can help???

  4. IT IS A SHAME the main lands are not better handled and permitted to look dirty and littlred with so much useless trash. main land roads and water ways could be beautiful if a few rules were set in place. Between the littered sky's with junk prims and sim griefing the abuse of mainland treasures is disgraceful.

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