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Posts posted by Marlly1488313518

  1. I recently purchased a mesh bed. And whenever i try to right click it my program seems to crash. Now this isn't the first time this has happened. This has happened almost everytime i wore a mesh piece of clothing. Or try to edit it. I have the updated version of firestorm 4.01, Exodus viewer. I have tried almost EVERY viewer with mesh compatible and every single time the program just closes after i right click on mesh. My best friend who uses 4.01 can edit the mesh, turn it etc. My boyfriend who is using 3.3 can right click and sit with no problems at all. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm starting to wonder if it is my computer? I have a fairly decent computer. (If you need specs i will provide) This problem didn't bother me before. But now that i have it as furni, it's starting to get on my nerves with the program just closing randomly... Anyone able to help me out?

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