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Awfully Artful

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Everything posted by Awfully Artful

  1. ty. looks like my problem is that my prism is not in zero rotation.
  2. I have a mesh prism HUD with 3 sides, each side has a button, I want it to change the rotation of the entire linked object to show a new side/face when the button is clicked. Tried numerous scripts but can't seem to get this to work right. Admittedly I have no scripting knowledge, but thought this would be pretty easy.
  3. I can do textures, but meshes look even more complicated, with all the stuff about polygon limits and collada files and rigging, etc. sounds confusing.
  4. Ahh, ok. Well now I feel stupid for making this thread :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: I always thought that Blender could only be used for simple sculpties/meshes, and even simpler texture baking. The Blender tutorials I have seen show simple things, like how to make a sculpty vase, or an apple..so I just assumed that the more complex sculpted/mesh objects (such as your couch) must have been created with super expensive software. But now that I see you've created objects in Blender which look great (with the realistic shadow and highlight baking), I'm happy to see that its possible.
  5. Wow, you made it? It looks very nice. I saw the picture on this forum, but I thought it was made in a more expensive program like, 3Ds Max. Does it looks like that when imported into Second Life?
  6. Thank you all for replying..I will check out the Daz Studio. Can this be used to make rigged clothing? I have another question..can you create things as nice as this couch with Blender? And can use Blender to make shiny realistic textures like that, for your mesh in Second Life? I wouldn't mind giving Blender another try, if it can do something like in the pic below. I love the texturing and lighting on ths couch, and I'd love to learn how to make mesh clothing or objects with textures like that.
  7. Hello :) I'm a newbie to mesh and I really want to learn. But I don't know where to get a good affordable program. do you need expensive software to make nice looking things?
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