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Posts posted by JohnyGlide

  1. so with a commend :KEEP YOUR PRIVATE INFORMATION PRIVATE, you are telling people that you will,  troll them,  give them fake infomration and lie to them constantly?     Second Life is the ability to lead a second life,  not always hide your first life.   I've had friends for many many years on my primary account, I know each and every one of them personally,  we do gift exchanges and other things, that involve!  GASP INFORMATION.   why,  because you can be only paranoid and lie to people for so long.


    get a Grip here,  not all of us are hiding or want to lie to others.

  2. I work 14 hours a day, that leaves me zero time to have a social life and I work grave yard shifts,  I came to Second Life to have a social life and meet real people.    sure people want to play as their avatar, that's fine.  but still when I'm actually trying to be a friend do not be all butthurt when I ask basic questions,  I do not do this rp well without knowing a few specifics about the person behind the avatar.   so I think I honestly perfer if people were themselves and not always hiding behind an avatar, let me know you, let me know who I'm really dealing with.  

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