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Alaura Silverfall

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Posts posted by Alaura Silverfall

  1. I am just looking for a viewer for my laptop. I have singularity but I have been  realizing recently that I do not see everyting. There was a big tree I accidently created in my house.  Everyone in my house could see it but me. I ran in on my big computer which as firestorm. I could see it there and got rid of it.  I also realize I was not seeing the length part of someones hair and just other little details I see with myother computer. Can someone help me?  Thank you in advance.

  2. A long time ago i came across someones linden hom while exploring the neighborhood.  When I stepped on his property i was asked if i choose to set my windlight settings to his like you would get on a region whos windlight settings are set a certain way.  I chose yes.  Then his environment on his linden home was totally different.  How is this possible? Is there a gadget that does this?  I would love to know so i can do this too. Can anyone help me?   :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

  3. Actually i was Char. I was talking about the profiles you can access from your dashboard. They stink. Made to be like facebook or twitter.  Now this is only my opinion but I think "Utherverse" has it going on with their profiles.  They are the "Redlight Social Center". I got tired of the "Utherverse"  world because it became boring and of course more about porn and sex than anything else but you can not beat the profiles. The software is simple but decorating them is limitless and you can totally hide the freinds list.  I guess i just have not figured that one out on these yet  since i spend a short amount of time on them. I find them rather boring really. This is only my opinion however. I like to decorate and put good music on my profiles. You can't do nothing with these except get updates and comments from people. Thank you very much for the warm welcome Marigold. I hope to hear more from you. :)

    You really just can not lock down or hide enough here.

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