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Maryline Pinion

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Posts posted by Maryline Pinion

  1. Hello,


    SInce 3 weeks, my 3 viewers up to date do  the same behavior (official, singularity and firestorm).

    When i long on , with or without a clear cache, they load all my landscape and avatars and after that do a endless reloading of all the texture around me (landscape and avatar).

    It's make me crazy.

    The texture become sharp and stay sharp only if i put my cursor on it but after 15 secondes the endless reloading restart.


    I tried to update my windows, my graphics cards, changed cache, changed badnwitch, changed graphics Memory used by my viewer.

    I done much tex refresh and it won't help me...


    Please i need your help, ty ....




    EDIT : As i don't know how to answer  back , i answer here .

    My issue was immediatly solve without restart needed by  detach my TheShops! Huds style (it's the same thing as wowmesh but from another creator)


    The firestorm creator could add it to : 

    • If you are wearing a WowMeh or Toodledeedoo HUD, detach it. These (and a few other high texture HUDs) are known to cause in-world texture to rez then blur repeatedly.


    THANK YOU, it's solved


  2. But all your answers is not my question at all ....


    I want to put my sl account in stand by , i want to prevent myself to play to second life,  becasue alone i can't stop me and play to second life instead do my rl life, so i need to be forced to stop sl.

  3. Hello,


    I don't want to cancel my account but just put it on stand by mode, but i can't find it on the account setting.


    Do you know if it's possible and how to ?


    I want to stand by because i can't be myself stop sl to focus my rl life, so if i can't log in on myaccount during a amount of time it could be perfect.


    TY for help !!

  4. Hello i reinstall my computer , and do all windows update.


    WHen i double click on my second life viewer 2, hard disk run and cursor working 2 seconds and after that nothing.

    No message and nothing else , i have the same trouble with phoenix, but firestorm work well.


    I try to uninstall all , same problem ...

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