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Posts posted by Wishmas

  1. Yeah that is what I would like them to look like, though maybe no indention between the knuckles and the blade, just a single clean edge. perha's the entire thing being about .5 meters across and about half bladed knuckles and half the knife blade. Though keep in mind the weapons are for a woman's hands.

  2. Hello there.


    I am an avid RP that almost has her avi perfected for roleplay purposes, however I need one last cutom job done.

    It's a mix between brass knuckles and a knife, I got the idea from Asuma's favorite weapon in the anime Naruto.

    If anyone could make these it would be greatly appreciated.

    Scripted for DCS2, HIGHEST priority animations, dual wielding. willing to throw in a bonus for pink particles that envelop the blade. similar to the blue chakra around the blade in the picture.

    Refrence picture:


  3. In total I wam willing to put 10,000 lindens into the creation of this avatar.

    The requirements:

    Tattoo layer fur in pink and black tiger print.

    Pink matching the shade of my avi's hair

    Tiger tail matching my avi's hair and fur on body

    High quality pink digigrade tiger legs.

    Tiger ears of matching color to all before mentioned hair.


    This is for a roleplay character in secondlife. The idea came from a conversation between a friend and I and I am willing to pay well for the completetion of this project.

    I don't want to be a furry, and a neko is to human, I have to be split down the middle.

    The Fur pattern I am looking for is a bengal tiger however with pink instead of orange fur with black stripes.

    HOWEVER, being that don't want a furry, I do not want the normal white belly/chest/crotch/butt that already exsists out there in numerous copies.


    Below is a test creation I had made. It's akin to what I want and I like it alot but I realised I can improve this further still if I commission a single creator to make it all, that way it should all have the best oppourtunity to match.



    This first photo shows where I want the fur to be for the front, and where I want my human skin exposed. I think that it might be able to make the transitions a little better as well make a more fur like appearance instead of a simply base color in the body of the fur.



    This image shows something akin to what I'd like my backside to look like. However I think I'd prefer a almost heart shape. The rounded parts being the cheeks and patchings on my legs making up the V. Something Akin to the furry seen in the following link: http://twokinds.keenspot.com/archive.php?p=454

    The color of pink we're trying to match is attached below:


  4. Alright, so I've decided to become a half furry. However I really like my human skin and don't want to settle for a lesser quality human skin that's been tacked onto a half fur.


    So I thought about it for a while and came up with this idea: Why not put the fur on the tattoo layer?


    The idea would be to have parts of my face, shoulders, arms, hands, legs, feet, croch, and back covered in fur, however leaving my Breasts, belly, and bottom bare and human looking.


    The following link is not what I want but a general idea, and may be NSFW.



    The location of the pink leopard fur is in essence where I would like the fur on the tatto layer to be.


    The following immage is graphic and contains nudity, and violent refrence fro mthe Manga "Lives"



    This is what I would hope it to kind of turn out to be. A Recognisably Human face and torso with appendages of a pink spotted leopard instead of a bunny. Using my skin as the human part and the tattoo for the fur.


    If anyone has any skill wih this thing, or if you know a place that sells soemthing like I am looking for please post or contact me in word. We can talk about a commission price/ information payment.

    (Note: Information that results in a dead end will not be paid for.)

  5. I recieved and IM in world requestion to know what I was looking for regarding information:

    I am willing to pay 1000 Lindens to a person that can do any of the following:

    Find and direct me to a store in world that sell something akin to or is what I am looking for.

    Find and provide a link to something on the MArketpalce that is akin to or is what I am looking for.

    Provide me with contact information to someone that has skill in making something like this.

    A creator that steps forward and that can create this will also get an agreed upon commission besides the info payment.


    I am willing to pay 3500 total for it to be made.


    Disclaimer: Quality of the information/product will dictate payment for information.

    Erroneous information will not be paid for at all.

    Cheap/poorly done work will not be accepted or paid for.

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