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Posts posted by ItalyMonroe

  1. Not really I was responding to what was posted and only the guilty would feel guilty it was a simple enough question and being that most of the initial answers were questions like why would you want to do that and ect. I elaborated .At the end of the day people are going to think what they want even after I explained it so anything after "No Italy you can't do that " is irrelevant . I'm done with this thread have a good day :)

  2. It was a simple question that required a yes or no answer . I'm not responsible for how people choose to see things you know what they say about assuming. But I understand I  shall be very clear from now on when posting

  3. And actually It's not the same thing the person in the link is talking about bidding on ebay and buying in world and keeping the inventory . I'm speaking of buying it from LL and they can delete the inventory . And also it seems to me the avatars that are causing the most headaches are the newly created ones that people create just to do no good . But I guess it could go either way I could argue both sides of the issue none the less it is a dead issue because it isn't possible

  4. I have actually be on sl A looong  while on my main avi Italy is new a few months old my main avi does her own thing has family and the whole shabang , I heard someone say that you could buy accounts and i wanted to know because I would like to open a kid store. Really makes me wonder what some people are up too whan you can only see bad and wrong doing in everything and everyone. Sometimes there is no alterior motive of wrong doing. But Thank you to all that answered the simple question of if it's possible I appreciate it .

  5. No I mean as far as avatars that were created and just sit there they become in active or deleted correct and I wouldn't want the stuff in the inventory they could delete it . But the reason I would want to get an established name is for the date of creation I want to open a store and people seem to respond better to people that have been on the grid awhile ...nothing sinister going on lol

  6. This may have been asked already but is there an In world class or school that can teach someone how to make mesh clothing in particular ... and Also If anyone makes custom clothing please feel free to IM me in world Italymonroe resident if Im not online please leave a notecard with your prices and I'll be sure to get back to you THANKS in advance

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