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Romana Breuilly

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Posts posted by Romana Breuilly

  1. Thank you!

    I had checked out Goguen, but hadn't fully explored it. It has a sign saying "simple scripts only," and because some scripts worked, I assumed it was no longer a safe place to rez risky items. However, I've now hung around long enough to see that neither the stop button nor the sensor kills the object, so all's well.

    For what it's worth--the MOAP and css/html scripts worked. The main scripts and the die functions didn't.

    Thank you again.


  2. For the first time, I've made something I might put on the marketplace, but...

    One of its components has a "Die" command in its script, and I want to make sure some future owner has no problem modifying it. The thing dies when and only when a "STOP" button is pushed or when the sensor fails to detect an AV nearby, so it should be safe, but since that owner could be either an old hand or a newcomer who doesn't understand the instructions, I'd like the ironclad  protection of a no scripting SLURL to give in the readme file.

    I tested the four slurls Dora Gustafson posted in 2015. In 3, my scripts ran; in Cordova, apparently, simple scripts are allowed. When I tested my object there, most of its scripts ran. I tried the "world/search" in the SL viewer, and got several pages of hits for "no scripting sandbox," but saw only normal sandboxes; none said "no scripting"! Quotation marks and plus signs didn't work in that search bar.

    This component is a simple MOAP that plays selections from a list of YouTube urls--and these are always subject to change. I'm putting the urls in a notecard that the new owner can edit if necessary, but that leaves the problem of rezzing the thing to insert the modified notecard.

    Anyone know of a no-script sandbox still in operation? Or--am I being too cautious about this?

    Thanks for any suggestions!





  3. Same thing still happening. Entered sim about an hour ago. HUD didn't load, but assumed that, as in the past, crystals would be counted so ran around a lot. Had several green, one blue, and lots of the others. Tested by running over the blue and green collectors--no reward. Noticed that some teleports weren't going to the usual res. circle, and at at least one location, sim was missing.


    Reentered several times, finally getting HUD, but with no crystals showing and no quest message. Tried grabbing a couple crystals to see what happened. HUD did not show them.


    The often missing HUD is a known problem, but there's little point to entering LR until current problem is fixed.

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