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Jonathon Carbenell

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Everything posted by Jonathon Carbenell

  1. Greetings, This one has certainly stuimped me. I know the usual way to make doors is to cut the prim in half, using Cut Path. This allows for the door to swing, as if it was on a hinge. It is usually cut to something like 0.125 to 0.325 ect ect.. or something round there. I do not know it off the top of my head. I was wondering if there is ANY way with lsl to get the doors to rotate without actually cutting the prim in half? I have seen some scripts which allow for the prim to be untouched and simply textured, and still seem to swing as if they were a hinged doors. Mostly I've only been able to get the prims to swing at the center, swinging the entire prim. Does anyone have any scripts available which allows for the prim to swing, as if a hinged swinging door, without actually modifying the prim sides texturing it? Thank you in advance...
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