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ZaZa Jinn

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Posts posted by ZaZa Jinn

  1. Thank you, Amethyst, for a full explanation of how it works.  I also like to use it to give owners on my sim an alternative to the textures I choose.  I always remember what it was like for me as a renter when the estate owner suddenly changed my beach land to snow.  I wish I had had this product back then.

  2. I change my estate's textures to reflect the change of seasons, but i have no problem with a parcel owner putting down a snow texture for as long as they want it.  The sim is mountainous and can easily have snow parcels year round.  There is also an attached homestead half of which is a lake for all the owners to use (the other half is my messy works in progress space) which will be a frozen all winter.  Feel free to stop by anytime.  Some of the owners have security, but there is plenty of public access space as well.

  3. If an alternative to tropical appeals to you, have a look:  4096 parcels for sale on a lush, forest-themed sim with lots of privacy when you want it, or enjoy common areas for outdoor recreation and a half-sim lake for swimming or boating with views of sunrises and sunsets.  A stable sim with long-term neighbors and an owner who lives on the property.  So, if and when you need assistance, just IM.




  4. If an alternative to tropical appeals to you, have a look:  4096 parcels for sale on a lush, forest-themed sim 1600/week.  Common areas separate you from adjacent parcels, and there is a lake for swimming, boating or just watching sunrises and sunsets.  A stable sim with long-term neighbors and an owner who lives on the property.  So, if and when you need assistance, just IM.




  5. Lake.jpgBeautiful 4096 parcel for sale on a lush Pacific Northwest themed sim 1600/week.  Common area for homeowners and guests which includes a lake for boating, swimming or just to enjoy sunrise and sunset.  Waterways separate you from adjacent parcels.  A stable sim with long-term neighbors and an owner who lives on the property.  So, if and when you need assistance, just IM.  The cabin is decoration, use or remove as you choose.



  6. Hi Petrilia,

    Welcome :)  Try "The Gateway" to see if that appeals to you.  I will send you an LM when I get in world.  Sorry your first experience was negative but good you didn't let that deter you.

    Enjoy and be well


  7. Hi Bessi,

    Theresa gave you a good idea about unpacking at stores.  I just wanted to say that something similar happened to me when I first joined SL.  Don't let it get to you.  My suggestion, if you don't mind, is to spend your Lindens on things you want for enjoyment rather than shield gadgets (no offense to gadget creators :))

  8. **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://farm8.staticflickr.com/7053/6898966343_43f2c48fff.jpg" border="0" alt="Snapshot_006" width="500" height="376" />

    Sunrise in the Pacific North West. This beautiful residential 4096 sq.m parcel for sale (only remaining vacancy on this unique sim) is yours for $1600/week.  Common waterway separates neighboring residences.  Perfect for luxurious living on land or in the sky.



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