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Posts posted by 257ct

  1. GUESS WHAT!!!!

    Go to http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/SL-is-Pink-Ever-since-Valentine-s-Day-about-half-of-SL-is-Pink/qaq-p/1387011  for the fix-it's the first answererd .  Basically,

    Although it is necessary to download the last drivers for your graphics card, here is a solution which seems that works for some residents and it is worth to give a try. In Viewer 3 open Advanced Menu (Ctrl+Alt+D if you don't see it) --> Show Debug Settings --> click the down arrow and find "RenderMaxTextureIndex". Normally there you see the value 16. Set it to 0 (zero) and close the window. See if that makes any difference.



  2. I'm having the same problem also.  I uninstalled and reinstalled three times with no effect.

    This happened on 15Feb, 12

    It started after I visited 1920's Berlin.  I wandered into the train station and tried to get on the locomotive, to no avail.  I then went into the car, and the viewer crashed.  I started the viewer after a few hours, and I think it installed an update before launching.  After that, it launched, most of the prims, and part of  my chlothing became a pink-purple.  I then did the uninstall-reinstall thing-no joy. 

    I'm looking for a place to inform tech support.

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