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Posts posted by DjDug

  1. When I look at my friends avitar her skin always looks wierd, with lines, almost like a maniquin.  She also often does not rez no matter how long we've been in anyplace together.  When I look at myself or other avitars non seem to have this problem, only her.   She's diftches all clothes, and even done the avitar test to default in developement and it did not cure the problem.   Any suggestions, plz?


    Thank you so much for the help Loon... I read that sight and it doesn't seem to be the problem... there is no difficulties as far as fuzzy eggs or clothes.   It's her skin itself showing all these lines like she has seams.   All her clothes and so forth rez fine most of the time. I've noticed on myself when I have a large body size some clothes will not rez properly until I size them or stretch them... does the same apply to skins... are there known problems between skin and shape that this might apply to or be the result of?


  2. hey... nice to see people talking about an answer to this question but where is it?  The Lucas answer is no longer here.. and My avitar every few minutes gives itself head... I didn't accept anything.. an offer to join a group appeared just before it started by I didn't accept it and am stuck with the problem anyway. 

    I've done the usual fixes... stiped my avi, rebooted, used the developer tool that reverts you to original avi.. the whole works and the problem still persists... at least im told no one else can see it bur watching it happen againand again every few minutes is really starting to spoil my SL experience as you can imagine.

    Any ideas on how to get rid of this?


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